Charming Mommy of adorable triplets

Charming Mommy Of Adorable Triplets Chapter 544

Chapter 544

“Zee, do you know Sue Reynolds?” Nolan’s gaze was fixed on her as if he had understood something from her expression.

Maisie replied after a short while, “This is impossible. She’s not Sue.”

Quincy was shocked. He looked at Nolan and asked immediately, “Ms. Vanderbilt, what do you mean by that?”

‘Isn’t she Sue Reynolds?’

Maisie pursed her lips slightly. “I met Sue Reynolds while I was still living in Stoslo nine years ago. She is of mixed ethnicity from East Eurasia, her father is a Caucasian from Zlokova, and her mother came from Jakukari and is of oriental origin. She’s definitely a student who graduated from Turner Institute of Art and went through an internship in Luxella Inc.

However, she doesn’t look like this.”

‘Sue Reynolds. I can totally understand this if it’s just the same first and last name. But her identity, background, and information listed on this document are exactly the same as that of Sue’s. The only difference is that the person in the photo is not the Sue that I know.

‘That face, that temperament, I can’t even feel the slightest similarity that I get from the Sue that I know

from my memory. Her voice sounds different. As for her eyes, they are totally out of the question. The Sue that I know has almond-shaped eyes, and they look very soulful and profound.

fox eyes that have slightly raised corners, which

plastic surgery?” Quincy

it’s impossible not to have the slightest resemblance

The Sue that I know is only 5’2 in height. Now the Sue that we’re looking at in this photo, she’s at

she skimmed through her information, it looked

she was an intern in Luxella. It’s impossible for me

named Sue is definitely not the Sue

Quincy was stunned.

picture is indeed not wearing high heels,

applies on her face is indeed

recalled something all of a sudden. “When you told me that you were looking at her face in the hospital, this is what you meant back

chuckled. “Otherwise, do you really think she can get my attention with

corners of her

Sue Reynolds, won’t the people

undergone plastic

noticed by others, she’s not that capable alone. Someone must be helping her from behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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