Chapter 629

After wiping his face, Geoffrey placed the napkin back on the table.

"That's the way. The anger on your face brings me back to those times, when you'd throw a tantrum. How nostalgic. It's been a while since anyone dared to throw a temper tantrum at me."

"You're a filthy, mad dog. Does your wife know about this?" Sydney sneered.

"I'm going through divorce procedures with her, and we're facing issues with division of my property. The process is taking some time, but I'll divorce her eventually."

"Geoffrey Cater, make your son divorce Rose," Sydney said emphatically.

"No problem," Geoffrey promised without any hesitation.

Sydney was slightly taken aback, not expecting him to agree so readily. However, she knew he wasn't such an easygoing man.

"What's your condition?" Sydney asked.

"It's simple. Divorce Wesley Spencer, and be with me after I divorce Xyla. And, I'll tell you a secret..." Geoffrey said.

I divorced Wesley, I'd never marry you! Geoffrey Carter, I've seen many despicable, wicked and cunning people in my life, but you disgust me the most of all. Is your son as cunning and wicked as you are? Did you two scheme against Rose? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, after

can scold me all you like—but watch your words, lest you regret them

Scolding your son? Did I say anything wrong?" she sneered. "You two are utterly shameless, but I believe your son

arms around his

bag and stood up, turning

"I was only able to succeed back then because I left you. If you were in my shoes, you'd have left me,

hug your success to sleep for the rest of your life. Quit

then walked away, and disappeared into

"We have all the this world. You'll know soon whether I deserve it or not. I've always gotten what I

even threw it aside, as long as he wanted to get it

into the car, and

"Disgusting!" she cursed.

her pocket, and gave Rosalie a

very quickly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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