"I know her life is at stake," Theodore said, "or I wouldn't have called you. Since the kidnapper hasn't contacted you, there's no point in continuing this conversation. I'm hanging up now."

"Wait," Sebastian called out to him.

"What now?" Theodore replied, clearly impatient.

"If the kidnapper contacts you again, you need to tell me!"

"You too. If the kidnapper calls you, you have to inform me. For Rose's safety, the more people who work together, the better the chance of protecting her. Let's put aside our past grudges until she's safe." "Alright," Sebastian agreed. "It's a deal. Whoever gets the latest information must inform the other."

After hanging up, Sebastian smashed his phone to the ground.

"Theodore, I don't believe a word you say."

Time passed by.

By midnight, Theodore still hadn't slept.

deal. The kidnapper might just call him at

staying awake

morning, he hadn't received a call from his bodyguards, nor had Sebastian contacted

had reached out to Sebastian, it was possible Sebastian wouldn't tell him. Even if Theodore called to ask, he wouldn't get any

determined not to tell him, there was no point in asking. And if the kidnapper hadn't contacted Sebastian, asking would be


he realized he had

could never win

at least, she was safe.

might be enduring, and it terrified him. If he could, he would gladly trade his

doing now?" Theodore lifted his head and gazed at the lonely moon outside the window.God, or whatever higher power might be out there, I don't know if you're real or not. But

don't let her be


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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