Chapter 231 About Le
Chloe decided to divorce, which was not only a good thing for her, but also a relief for me.
I believe that there is no hermetic wall in the world. The secrets that one tries to hide will be exposed to the public sooner or later.
Although the relationship between her and Dr. Lester was beautiful, it was morally acceptable.
I didn’t want Chloe to be labeled a b*tch or something.
“Congratulations.” I lowered her voice and looked at her face with concern, “What is your husband’s reaction?”
Chloe didn’t speak and simply rolled up her sleeve.
A purple scar appeared in front of my eyes, and I was distraught and angry.

Did you identify the injury? That’s evidence.”I don’t
“It’s been done. My lawyer is very professional. She has seen many men like my husband. But she also reminded me that my husband will be very irritable and suspicious during this time. He told me to protect myself” Chapter 231 About
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I took Chloe’s hand, “Just tell me if you need help. You can even stay with me.”
“Thank you so much.” Chloe looked at me with teary eyes.
After dinner, I went back to the lab with Chloe.
Most of our colleagues hadn’t returned yet, and only Lester was making coffee in the cafeteria. When he saw us back, he greeted us.
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” He looked very natural, sober and gentlemanly.
It was hard to imagine that the man who had been overcome with lust in the forest that night was the man he was looking at now.
“Is it candy?” Chloe also acted naturally.

“Of course.” Lester raised his eyebrows, lowered his head, and continued to grind coffee beans, but there was an as*xy smile on his face.
“Give me a cup.” Chloe looked at me. “You really should try it. The caramel flavor of Los Planes coffee is incredible.”
“OK.” She wanted to taste the taste of true love.
Our colleagues returned to the laboratory one after another, and the topic of their discussion was still the matter between the president and his secretary.
I took Lester’s coffee and took a sip.
It was the first time I tried this flavor. But when the unique smell of caramel stimulated my taste buds, I seemed to taste true love.
In an instant, I suddenly seemed to understand why Chloe and Lester had been able to disguise themselves so perfectly in the lab. The coffee plans with a caramel flavor exclusive to them was the transmission of love between them.
They had both been sinking into sobriety.
His love infected me when I tasted the coffee.
I pulled out my phone and found Adenauer’s phone number. I hesitated for a moment and decided to take the initiative to invite him to dinner.
I wanted to take him to that restaurant. Perhaps a change of scenery would improve everything.
I received a response quickly.
Adenauer: I want to go, but I have to work overtime today. Honey, I’m
so sorry.
Me: Well, I didn’t think carefully enough. I’ll make an appointment next time when you’re free.
After replying to his message according to my instincts, I sat blankly at my
desk, feeling a bit annoyed.
“Your face tells me you’re not in love with him.”
“Please, the hormones in your body know you better than you do.”
I couldn’t help but think of Chloe’s words.
Adenauer was an expert in psychiatry, and he was also good at analyzing human psychology. He could have noticed the information that even Chloe could see.
So you’re avoiding me now? I sighed.
But it was normal for him to avoid me. After all, I hurt him.
Maybe I should take the initiative to clarify our relationship and go back to being just friends with him? In theory, that was what he should do if he really respected it.
“Olive, what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking if I should go see Adenauer…” I suddenly came to my senses and stopped talking. I jerked my head up and met Charlotte’s playful eyes.
“You are totally in love. It seems that my job is stable. Thank you Dr. Adenauer!”
I smiled at him without replying.
After work I came home and saw Mrs. Krause and Balu at the door of the house.
“Are you going on a business trip again?” Thanks to Balu, Mrs. Krause and I had become very close. When he came to my door with Balu, I knew what he was.
“Yeah. But it is very short this time. I can come back tomorrow. And I won’t have to travel for long.” Mrs. Krause smiled lovingly, “Thank you very much.”
“You are welcome.” I opened the door, “Come in.”
As soon as the door opened, Balu wagged his tail and entered my house with more familiarity than Mrs. Krause. Mrs. Krause and I laughed.
“It seems that she has already considered my place as her own home.”
“It means you’ve been taking good care of it.”Mrs. Krause suddenly remembered something and took out some money from her bag, “By the way, you may have to go to the pet store to buy dog ​​food.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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