14 First confrontation

“Roger that.” Rex didn’t bother to ask anything or feel anything. He knew that whoever offended his brother wouldn’t be going scot-free, but wait!

He slowly turned to look at his brother, like something just struck him.

“Brother, how d-did you know Jeslyn Lee?”

Maverick turned to glare at him and Rex immediately shut his mouth and pulled out his phone to make the call that would destroy lawyer Smith’s life while his heart swelled with ecstasy to fish out more gossip from his brother.

The lawyer fell on his knees and begged. “Master Maverick, please I beg you, forgive me, I’m sorry, I promise to bring her out, please forgive me.” He begged fervently, but Maverick wasn’t paying him mind but was rather chatting with someone on his phone.

Lawyer Sinith knew that asking for forgiveness from this devil in front of him was no use. He had never heard where a devil forgave someone before but only wanted to try his luck.

He turned to the smiling angel who was about to make the call that would ruin him and begged. “Young master Rex, please save me.”

“Hehehe… you have handled some minor cases for my brother and you were privileged enough to know a few things he’s capable of, yet you took him for granted because of greed. Handing you to the cops is because of his benevolence, so you should thank him. Hehehe…hello.”

Lawyer Smith felt his knees had lost their strength and slowly fell back on his butts, looking dazed.

What did he say? Benevolence? His criminal case is numerous and he knows that the only outcome for him is a life imprisonment sentence. 1

know, or they know is that he had sent a whole lot of bad guys, including good guys to prison, so what will become of him if he meets them

the exact reason he is sending Smith to prison. One was to experience how life in prison is for making Jeslyn, his wife, stay there, and the second

bad and good guys he sent to prison with his wicked mouth would be the best punishment

of the second-class criminal lawyers in Country M and has a lot of bad records that no one could find because he was under Maverick’s protection,

inspector Fin is glad and will be here with his men in a while.”

Fin has been on lawyer Smith’s case for a long time and he kept hitting

want to see him, send him the record, Maverick said and

me laugh. But before your end comes, tell me

his brother forcing a dying man to tell

the person to answer before he said, “I have a case

for you.

was sitting with her friends when

you have a visitor.”

a week already and nobody had come

isn’t your shitty family?” Yellow asked with

open field where they were

room, Jeslyn paused in her step when

around to leave, but the wardeness pushed her back in and

family are three rich families that have

being the seventh, of course, they can make the prison officers turn

are you going,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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