33 Jeslyn’s Agony- grandpa’s life lesson

Jeslyn returned to her room and sat on her bed, thinking about her matters. She still couldn’t believe that her dearest grandfather was dead. She slowly closed her watery eyes as the tears fell down her cheeks. 1

It hurts so badly. She didn’t get to see his body before he was cremated. She didn’t see his ashes and also, the most painful part is that she didn’t get to bid him farewell or attend his funeral.

That must be the reason she isn’t able to move on. All this while, she didn’t get a place… this quiet to think about her sorrows.

She had two unfeeling friends in prison who wouldn’t want to see her mourn or lament. Now that she is finally alone, she can cry now, right?

“Grandfather,” her lips shook. It hurts… Mentioning his name hurts very much.

“I miss you a lot…” she broke down in tears as she wailed like she had never before.

Jeslyn didn’t feel this way when her mother died and that was because she woke up after two years from a coma. Although she cried for a few weeks, she didn’t feel the kind of pain she was feeling right


strong-headed type of woman who wouldn’t tell Jeslyn she loved her but

type that would frown at Jeslyn for playing with dirt

to only see the goodness in life and protected her so tightly from the evil of the world and that was the reason Ms. Alice didn’t let Jeslyn and grandpa Lee meet for a

of grandfather who would rather join Jeslyn to play with dirt than pull her away.

of old man that would wear his shoes the

Jeslyn fight her own battles than do it for her. He would stand by the side to blow a whistle to cheer

with amazingly gorgeous creatures, but at

wonderful thing but not an achievement. However, going into the ocean to see the dangers underneath it

and one of these days I will join your mother, but what about you? You and your sister will be the

the moment, but when I

success would come for you, the homes

and mostly, your beast of a father will come

will you do then? Learn to be strong, grow a thick skin, and hide your

enemies would go easy on you, then dissolving their attacks would be a walk in the park for

allowing your grandmother to teach your mother that way, but I won’t make that mistake with you. If your mother had not gone away from home and went to live with that father of yours in country G, breaking all communications with me because I showed displeasure for that

home without you. I wanted to destroy your father but she didn’t allow me, saying it would hit

in the future, never forget the lessons I taught you. Never show

in pain after remembering her grandfather’s life lesson. He had sat her down beside him on the field after they finished playing golf on that day.

my whole weight on you, but why did you let me fall so hard and didn’t give me a heads-up?

they killed me along with you. They didn’t just take your life but dug

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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