36 Caring for his sick wife

From morning till afternoon Jeslyn didn’t go downstairs to eat nor did she open her door to the maids that had been knocking.

Now it’s evening and she’s still inside and a maid is standing outside her door, banging and ringing the doorbell with urgency.

How many hours has it been that the guest she was warned to care for by the butler hasn’t eaten? She loves her job and doesn’t want to be fired.

Being under master Maverick means an automatic protective shield in this hell of a country, so the young maid was frightened by the thousands of bad thoughts running through her mind.

“Ring, ring, ring!”

“Knock, knock, knock!”

“Bang, bang, bang!”

“Ma’am, please open the door!”

There’s a spare key with the butler however the man couldn’t be found in the large mansion. “Step back.”

The maid turned with a start at the cold voice. She hurriedly stepped out of the way and bowed her head to avoid looking at those cold eyes owned by the demonic man she was working for. When will this master learn to make a sound while walking? Every time, he walks around like he wasn’t stepping on the ground.


to beep green before he turned the knob and opened the door. “You may leave.” He said to the maid who still had her head down before going into the room and shutting the door.

large bed and saw the girl curled up in her sleep with messy hair and a red nose. Her

height and stretched his hand to touch her forehead. Maverick knitted his brows after feeling her burning forehead and stood upright. He pulled

to the

room for a brief moment before he

with a bowl and a white towel. He sat down beside Jeslyn and turned her from the fetal

didn’t stir in her sleep for

towel in the bowl of water, squeezed the water out, and cleaned her

cold-looking man repeated the process a few times before folding the towel and placing it on her forehead.

inconspicuous black watch before he

to sit beside the sleeping woman and glanced at her face one

placed on the bed

and expression unreadable, he stepped into the world of

time passed and the beeping sound of his phone ringing made him

direction of the phone and the murderous look in his eyes dissipated a little. When he closed and opened his eyes again, only the redness could be seen and his face



the man sitting on the bed before

no older than Maverick, with his hair dyed white, walked into

it while saying: “I thought you called me

eyes with his head resting on the board

saying someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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