Chapter 541 Live Broadcast

Edwin had felt disoriented at first, but after listening to Celina’s words, all of his worries suddenly dispelled.

The Haymonds weren’t from a prestigious background. In the past, there were indeed many times when Celina looked down on him, but he didn’t take it to heart at all.

After all, what Celina had said was right most of the time. It was true that he was unrefined.

His heart softened as he rubbed Celina’s fluffy head, feeling pained and remorseful. 

“Nana, you don’t need to apologize. I would never hate you. Those days have long passed, and my feelings for you have never changed.”

“Really?” Overjoyed, Celina left his arms and raised her head, her eyes full of admiration and joy.

Edwin nodded solemnly. His voice was gentle and determined as he swore, “I’m telling you the truth. From the moment I saw you, you’ve always been the only one for me. Marrying you was my goal from beginning to end, and that fact has never changed.”

Celina felt her heart melting. Kenneth actually likes me!

If she hadn’t made such a big scene at the auction because of Elise before, maybe Kenneth would have made his feelings clear to her earlier.

She breathed a sigh of relief and decided to clarify everything once and for all. 

“If you don’t want me to fight Elise, I can back down and be nice to her…”

She almost ruined your birthday party by

stunned. So Kenneth has always

the moment with her words. She bit her lip and hesitated, before standing on her tiptoes and quickly pecking “Kenneth” on the

was chaste, Edwin felt invigorated, as though

he lowered his head and passionately met her lips. At that moment, he couldn’t care less if Celina

grew in passion, their breaths slowly

climax, and both of them naturally wanted to take the

sunk into the sofa. She bashfully

heavily as he pondered her words for a moment. With the little reason he had left, he got to his feet and sprinted toward the door, locking it from inside before returning to Celina. Lifting her chin, he murmured softly, “It’s okay

bit her lip, lowering her head. “Then… promise me

course. Have you forgotten? My only goal is to marry you. Now that you are willing to agree, I

“Okay.” Soon after, she raised her head and pressed

an instant, Edwin’s blood boiled with excitement. He had never been this happy in

the room was filled with their burning

a doctor. Once he had changed into a new

same time, the projector here was replaying the video clips, and almost all the rooms on

although the people around him were seeing this for the second time, they didn’t forget to

foresight will never be wrong. I own an apartment building that will be completed soon. When the

designer was being praised by the guests, he hurriedly leaned in to put in his two cents, saying, “Mr. Pearson is being overconfident. My designer doesn’t charge a low price at all. My three-story villa costs nearly 10 million. I’m afraid that an apartment building

used to work at Wall Street, where he made a huge fortune. Forget about

a low voice. “I guess I overlooked

he said that, the projector switched angles. Everyone looked up in interest and saw the

was about to make a comment, the slide flickered and showed the overall perspective of the room, where there was a man and a woman intertwined on the couch, their clothes a mess, their racy

was astounding. Even the scene where Faye appeared in a red dress earlier

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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