Chapter 543 Saw a Flicker of Hope

Kenneth quietly paid attention to the changes in Elise’s behavior, and the corners of his mouth curled up happily. Before, he had always been worried that Elise only loved him when he was Alexander, who was a righteous and bright man, and would not be able to accept his other side, Kenneth.

However, now, he finally saw a flicker of hope.

Upstairs, Celina was indulging in the strength and sweet words of “Kenneth” when suddenly there was a loud sound behind her as the door of the room slammed open from the outside.

In an instant, the two people on the sofa quickly separated and grabbed their clothes, covering the exposed parts of their bodies.

Celina looked at the entrance in panic, only to see David aggressively rushing in, his expression contorted from restraining his anger, his eyes fierce and unforgiving.


At the sight of her father, Celina lost all of her wits and couldn’t even find any words to speak. However, a few seconds later, she quickly reacted and adjusted her skirt that she was holding up to her body.

On the bright side, the one who had entered was David, and not anyone else. Therefore, although Celina was a little flustered, she was not worried. After all, the person she had slept with was Kenneth. On the contrary, she was afraid that no one would know about this fact. The more rumors were spread, the more far-fetched they would become, leaving Kenneth with no chance to have second thoughts.

Now that what was done was done, it was impossible for Kenneth to shirk responsibility even if he wanted to. If a man lost his temper, a woman would not stand a chance. Therefore, Celina had to be careful.

In that case, David’s appearance was a godsend to her.

her appearance, she caringly covered “Kenneth” with his jacket. Of course, she was only pretending to cover his face. In reality, she was yanking down his jacket with

was too strong, and Celina couldn’t pull his jacket down at all. With no other

a finger at Celina, roaring, “H-How could you still have the cheek to ask me that? There are so many guests below, but you didn’t greet them and hid here to partake in this shameless act instead! You really are as cheap as your mother. You can’t live without

his voice at

She didn’t know what had come over David. In the morning, he was just saying that he was going to set her up with Kenneth. Shouldn’t he be happy to

for the Saunders Family’s future. As long as she got together with him, the Saunders Family would

should abstain before marriage, but we will eventually become a family anyway. Do you have to get so

what you’re saying?!” David fisted at his chest, suspecting that

not admit her mistake, but

your temper!” The servant comforted David while advising Celina, “Miss, please, hurry up and apologize to Master David. Even if you made a

Celina crossed her hands in dissatisfaction. “I made a huge mistake? What’s wrong with being intimate with my fiancé? No offense, Dad, but times are different.

anger. He took

even remember your name? If you don’t admit your mistake today, you will no longer be my daughter! As for you, Edwin, I am not unkind to your family. I gave you everything, from money to dignity, but you dare

talking about? Did Elise put something in your drink? You’ve gotten it wrong. There is no Edwin here. He

interrupted by Edwin. “Uncle David, it was my fault.

the Saunders Family were only distant relatives, Edwin still was David’s nephew. In order to appear to

turned around in astonishment, only to see that unbeknownst to her, “Kenneth’s” face had turned into

this whole time?! Celina gaped at him, stunned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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