Chapter 545 There’s Something to See Again!

“That’s right. After all, they’re going to get married. We’re not that old-fashioned, so we understand!”

Seeing that there were no objections, David extended his hand and patted Edwin on the shoulder, seemingly in a proud manner. “From tomorrow onward, Edwin and I will be family. Please delete any videos you’ve recorded just now. If any information that is not conducive to the Saunders Family are revealed to the public in the future, then we’ll have to individually investigate based on the surveillance footage and get to the bottom of it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, coughs sounded from all around the place. The guests who had taken videos didn’t want to cause trouble, so they began to silently delete them.

At this moment, a guest suddenly exclaimed, “Look over there. There’s something to see on the projector again!”

Everyone turned toward the projector and saw that the screen that was turned off had lit up again, and a man and a woman appeared on it.

Although most of the guests weren’t familiar with the man, David recognized his housekeeper, Gabriel, at just one glance.

As for the woman, everyone in the audience knew who she was. She was none other than the main focus of the previous video, Celina, who was praised for her good figure.

The sound system that was originally used to play symphonic music to set the mood was now broadcasting audio that was synchronized with the screen in real time.

Celina uttered, “Remember, you must personally hand this red dress over to Elise. My father hates red the most. It’s a disgrace to the entire Saunders Family. At that time, as long as Elise dares to wear it, I will definitely ruin her reputation!”

Gabriel replied, “Don’t worry, Miss Celina. I will personally handle it and make sure it’s done properly. But, when the time comes, if Master David tracks it down—”

“What are you afraid of? By then, let’s strike the iron while it’s hot and make Elise turn into an unruly b*tch who deliberately creates trouble. I’ll say some stuff to prompt my father to drive her out. Elise is just a wild girl who came back from the country, and the Anderson Family won’t support her. Even if she finds out, what can she do to me in the Saunders

Celina, you’ve really thought it through. I’ll do

to an abrupt end. Most people had yet to react to why this video suddenly

Family reacted in a flash this time. As soon as David looked over, they had

use of that? Everyone had clearly seen and heard how Celina instructed

so livid that his whole

happened one after another during this birthday banquet.

matter if she schemed against someone behind their backs, but how could she leave evidence behind? She’s just

Celina was right about. Elise was alone, and although she was the daughter of the Anderson Family, she wasn’t favored. Without the support of the Anderson Family, even if she was wronged, and even if Celina clearly

between Celina and Elise. These

more, they were in the Saunders Residence, and David had just settled such a huge mess, so if someone were to begin criticizing, they would inevitably be targeted by the

Elise had to ask for justice in

she looked up and said with dignity, “Mr. Saunders, should I ask Miss Celina to come

you believe in groundless accusations? Although I’m

what was mentioned in the video, causing

woman in red is the eldest young miss of the Anderson Family,

Miss Sinclair is wearing a red dress, wouldn’t I be


guests were acting enigmatically, and most of them were partial to helping David. After all, Elise wasn’t going

have to leave here early. Mr. Saunders, you’re more energized now, so you must’ve forgotten how your life was on the line just now. If I hadn’t saved you, then now, I would be the culprit who caused you to fall into a severe coma, struggling between life

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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