Chapter 570 Wedding Gift

Edwin and Celina were so frightened that they dared not say a word.

However, the instant Alexander turned toward Elise, his demeanor became gentle and amiable. The stark contrast in his attitude toward the two women made Celina so resentful that her temples throbbed, and she nearly passed out in a fit of rage.

Alexander lowered his voice as though he was afraid of startling Elise, saying, “It’s cold in the evening, and you’re gonna catch a cold if you stay outside for too long. Wait for me in the car.”

“Alright.” Elise nodded obediently. Then, without looking at Celina or Edwin, she turned and walked toward Alexander’s car parked by the roadside.

It wasn’t until Elise was out of sight that Alexander slowly turned to stare at the couple with a hostile gaze. “Stay away from Elise if you don’t want to get driven out of Cittadel. She’s my wife. Whoever makes her unhappy will be my enemy, and I’ll devote my lifetime to making sure that they spend the rest of their lives in agony.” With that, he shot a surly and murderous look at Celina before heading toward the car expressionlessly.

Celina involuntarily gulped a mouthful of saliva and watched in a daze as the couple got into the car one after another.

The instant the car door was closed with a thud, Celina suddenly shuddered as a thought flashed across her mind. It’s not just the car door that closes; what’s also being closed is a door that separates my world from Elise’s! From now on, Elise and I will belong to two different social classes, with me being of the lower class and Elise being far superior to me. There’ll be an insurmountable gap between us!

Feeling dizzy, she slumped to the ground like a clay doll that had lost its support.

Panicked at the sight of the scene, Edwin hurriedly stepped forward and supported Celina to prevent her from falling.

To Edwin’s surprise, Celina didn’t resist him at all. For a moment, he was secretly delighted, but when he lowered his head, he realized that something was wrong. Celina looked totally absentminded as though she had lost her soul. Not only was she completely unaware of him approaching her, but she could no longer sense everything around her. “Nana! Nana!” Panic-stricken, he shook her body vigorously. Please, anyone, save my beloved!

However, the bodyguards were even more panic-stricken than he was, so none of them could decide what to do.

Alexander got into the car, he started the engine and began driving, looking

dared not look at the man. Now that we’re husband and wife, how are we supposed to get along with each other? Should I call him “darling” instead of his

was lost in thought, Alexander suddenly placed his warm palm on her forehead. “You seem to have been feeling out of sorts since

now he does all of this without the slightest hesitation. We’re less reserved with each other, and we become more intimate. This feels pretty good. “I’m fine. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been

next to her slowly wound down until only one-third of it was left. “It was my fault for getting so excited that I forgot about it. Let’s roll down the window for some fresh air. Still, you can’t get in a draft, or you’re gonna have a headache. I’m taking you to a place, which will take about an hour. Take a nap first if you’re

Elise enjoyed the feeling of having everything arranged by


outside the car, she stretched herself a little. Then, when she turned her head and saw that Alexander was also taking a nap, she was involuntarily lost in thought. This guy is now my husband,

woke up. “Awake already?” he asked

secret delight. It feels kinda fun, she thought. “I

in and have something to eat,” Alexander said as he unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car. After walking around to Elise’s side of the car, he opened the car door for her, holding her hand naturally as

Elise’s surprise, however, Julius’ place was very quiet, with no sign of any customers. Not only

“Hey there, Boss.”

“You’re here at last.”

Arthur greeted her simultaneously, whereas Julius gave her an impassive

came out of the restroom. At the sight of Elise, he threw away the paper towel he had wiped his hand with and threw himself at

him on purpose.

hurts me

“Honestly, have you had a change of

a 100-percent straight guy, okay?!” Jamie loosened his tie and deliberately threw back his shoulders to show off the pecs

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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