Chapter 572 Time to Call Me Hubby, Mrs Griffith

When Jamie heard what Elise had said, his expression turned gloomy as well. Looking at the door with a thoughtful expression, he said with a sigh, “We’re both men, so how could I not know what Noel is thinking? It’s not just you, Boss. In fact, none of us blames him for what he did. Let’s hope that he’ll make peace with himself sooner.”

Elise smiled; she just knew that despite his seemingly simpleminded demeanor, Jamie was actually very attentive. After so many years, Elise had long since forgotten what it felt like to be unable to explain herself about what had happened to Charlene. For Noel, however, now was just the beginning of his shock, so perhaps he was more anguished than anyone else. Still, Elise had to admit that the qualms she had always had had disappeared completely.

It was rare that everyone was present, so the group drank a lot on the pretext that they’d resolved their issues and made up.

Elise was a little tipsy as she walked out of the bar. Still, she walked steadily toward the spot where Alexander’s car was parked with Alexander supporting her.

Drunken and bleary-eyed, Elise looked up at the side of Alexander’s face. She called him absentmindedly, “Alex. Alexander.”

“I’m here.” Opening the car door, Alexander helped her to the passenger seat before attentively fastening the seat belt for her. However, just as he was about to step back and close the car door, Elise suddenly sat up and hooked her arm around his neck, pressing her body against his.

As Alexander smelled the strong smell of alcohol mixed with the refreshing perfume scent, his breathing instantly became heavy, and he instinctively gave an audible gulp. “Be good, Ellie.” His voice was deep and husky with a barely perceptible note of restraint.

As Elise stared at the man, her eyes moistened all of a sudden, and she deliberately pressed her body even closer against his. “No, I’m not a good girl.”

Everyone thought that she should be a magnanimous person and forgive Charlene. Even if there was someone who trusted her character, they merely voiced their support for her without doing anything else. Even Elise herself didn’t have the courage to find out the truth. However, Alexander found out what was weighing on her mind and quietly helped her restore her reputation without saying a word or even asking her about it. He never mentioned how nice he was to her, but he did everything for her in such a way.

a bit of liquor, so his breathing became somewhat heavy when Elise pressed her body against his like this. Still, with incredible

with the liquid courage in her. “Why do you

I know you’re good enough for me. I know how good you are. Ellie, is the wedding gift I gave you inappropriate?” He didn’t want to make Elise cry. Instead, he just wanted

I like this gift very much. Now I finally know that I wasn’t the one in the wrong. It’s

she would be so unscrupulous to the extent of robbing a lady of her chastity because of a song. Today, she finally learned that one couldn’t avoid trouble simply by keeping their nose clean. After all, there were many bad people in the world who couldn’t stand the sight of others being happy, and they were


too deceitful, which is enough to fool most people. However, what’s done by night appears by day. The truth will be made public sooner or later, so

do whatever you want. Whatever you lose—even if you lose everything one day—as long as you turn around, I’ll still be behind you. As long as you turn around, you’ll

eyes, but she didn’t notice it at all. Instead, she deliberately sniffled, chiding, “You

up a little. Perhaps Noel would’ve sincerely apologized to you if I had let him and

did well enough. And besides, now that the truth has come to light, whether Noel apologized or not doesn’t matter to me anymore,” Elise said while stretching out her neck slightly to plant a kiss on the corner of Alexander’s lips. “Alexander, it’s wonderful to have you

him. His spirits rose, and he

she didn’t realize that Alexander was addressing her. The instant she realized it, she couldn’t help but bite her

from his angle. Feeling his throat tighten, he could hardly suppress his desire to touch her luscious

cell phone in the inner pocket of his suit jacket rang. His brow furrowed, and he paused in

in her hands, she gave him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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