Chapter 575 Experimental Class

After Elise had finished saying that, she conveniently shut the door after her and walked out with Alexander.

Meanwhile, Maya tightened her grip on the broom in her hand and kept her eyes on the tightly shut door as she clenched her teeth fiercely.

They’re underestimating me if they think that they can just kick me out just like this! My family’s gone into bankruptcy and I’ve suffered so much in this run-down place, but I’ve finally managed to establish myself here. If I leave right now, all my efforts would go down the drain. I won’t leave! It doesn’t matter that they’ve gotten married! They can easily get a divorce too! Even if they don’t get a divorce, there’s always the chance of one being widowed. Regardless, I’ll definitely find a way to cause them misery for the rest of their lives!

Maya tried hard to calm herself down. Finally, she turned to take another look at Alexander’s room before she angrily collected her belongings and left.

Shortly after breakfast, Mikayla suddenly paid a visit.

Elise hadn’t seen her for quite some time now, and she missed her very much. As such, she quickly invited Mikayla into the house while chatting with her. “It’s not the weekend today, so why do you have time to pay me a visit?”

After all, the historic town area was in the opposite direction from Tissote University. Even if one came using the subway, it would take more than an hour to arrive.

“I’ve missed you. You haven’t been back to the university at all, so I had to come and see you here,” said Mikayla jokingly.

Meanwhile, Alexander stood at the eaves of the corridor and bumped into Mikayla. They looked at each other and nodded as a gesture of greeting.

Soon after that, he turned around and entered the house. At the same time, he escorted Robin to the backyard.

After Mikayla had entered the house, she took out a stack of notes from her bag. “Do you remember that Addison dropped out of the university a while ago? I was worried that you didn’t know that, so I’ve purposely come over with some notes for you.”

After the homicide case at Tissote University, Elise had arranged for Addison’s family members to come and bring her home; she hadn’t gone back to university since then.

Elise took the notes from Mikayla and asked, “What notes are these?”

“Our university is about to set up an experimental class, and those who successfully graduate from this class will be awarded scholarships to further their studies overseas.” Mikayla smiled as she spoke. “You’re much smarter than me, so I’m certain that you’ll get it.”

her lips without giving an immediate response. She

taken a good look at it, for

class appeared to be the top students of the university, but in actual fact, more than three quarters of them were students from the

circumstances and now, were these people about to lay hands on the

subconsciously read the location of the school

I think that this is an opportunity that’s quite hard to come by, so I had to come to see you and inform you about this.” Mikayla

who had been accepted into the university under special circumstances, she basically had no chance of joining this experimental class. However, Elise was her best friend and her idol. As such, she had to obviously keep an eye on such things and grab this great

Mesdra evidently exhibited stronger capabilities in certain areas than Cittadel, and the chance for one to further one’s study overseas would definitely be

Mikayla. I’m quite interested in this.” Elise shut the document. “I’m quite fortunate to have your help.

had long obtained her degree, but since there were some unknown forces hiding behind the scene who were intent on laying hands on the best

to find out what was going on with this

so this is the least I can do for you. It’s not a big deal.” Mikayla didn’t want



of her hands on the table and was quite breathless while she tried to catch her breath. “Boss, we’ve gone viral! After our livestream with Mr. Bailey the last time, our social media profile has seen a steady increase in subscribers. Just a few moments ago, the producer of the most popular variety show in the country contacted me and extended an

at Winona and blinked her eyes without giving a huge reaction. The former merely responded

she nonchalantly poured a glass of cold water and handed it to Winona. “Have some water and take

exciting this piece of news should be as she

moment, Elise nodded her

increased, it indicated that danger was inching closer and closer. Hence, it was much

by Elise’s collected look. Is this how a natural winner in life

was quite goofy as she couldn’t quite come up with the words

had forgotten to introduce Winona

is my newly hired manager known as Winona. From now on, you guys will be seeing each other quite often, so you should

meet you, Winona.” Mikayla extended a

Mikayla.” Winona extended her hand too and

Elise realized that Jack had turned up

there?” Elise called out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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