Chapter 577 What Do You Think?

Elise ran out of the room with red eyes, whereas Alexander walked up to her and wrapped his long arms around her in an embrace.

“Did Grandpa reprimand you?” he asked in a soft voice.

She leaned against his chest, nuzzling him like a kitten. “No.”

“Why are you crying, then?” He let go of her.

She took out the key that Robin gave her and showed it to him on her palm. “Look.”

“What’s this?” he asked.

“The key to the safe at home. Grandpa said that the Sinclair Residence will be under our care from now on, but I’ll be holding the key,” she explained.

Alexander laughed. “Grandpa sent me away to give you retreat against contingencies, but you divulge it to me the next second.”

She beamed at him. “But that’s how a husband and wife are supposed to be—we have to be honest and sincere to each other. I don’t want to hide anything from you.”

Alexander’s gaze deepened. Then, he reached out his arms to embrace her, gently rubbing his chin on her fluffy head.

“Ellie, I know that I’m supposed to be truthful to you, but there are some things that I have to do without revealing my identity to you for now. However, I hope you can believe me when I say that I will never harm you and will always love you regardless of my identity and who I become. I promise that you will be the only exception in my life—only you and no one else.”

Elise hugged him back and exhaled in relief. “I believe in you.”

Both Alexander and her were not ordinary people, for they each had their respective responsibilities and missions. Since there was no backing out, they should become each other’s strongest support.

had chosen each

class that guarantees the students a place in an overseas degree. I intend to apply for the class to see if I can

Do you need me to

liberal arts student, I should be able to get in with my academic

wish my wife

Elise as his wife was rather refreshing yet embarrassing. In comparison to that, even an intimate interaction such as an embrace seemed normal and

both of them

Elise was filling in the form, Alexander took his phone and made a call in the

Hass, it’s me, Kenneth Bailey.” Alexander spoke

for you to have the time to

going to set up an elite class,

How can I help

I just want to request your help to add a

and he chooses all

imported laboratory equipment.

matter of fact, there may be some room for discussion.


trouble you about this, Mr. Hass,” Alexander

all. By the way, what’s the

“Elise Sinclair.”

student. Although she scored a perfect score in Mathematics for Liberal Arts students, it’s still totally different from Mathematics for Science students, not to

buildings help?”

to me!” Leon

as they ended the call, Leon added Elise’s name into the student

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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