Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 739  

"Her high alcohol tolerance should not be a reason the few of you join hands to harass her.It doesn't mean I don't know just because I keep quiet about it.Why would you bully a friend of mine? Do you guys even think of me as your friend?"

Jamie spoke clearly and logically.

"I will say it now—I will not turn a blind cye, and I will not be taken advantage of.We can stay as friends if you are willing to work it out.And if you are not, we will call it quits right this instant."

Narissa couldn't help but do a double take at Jamie, as this was the first time she had ever seen him being so serious.

Charissa and the men couldn't say anything in return, and then soon unwillingly left due to the shame.

Alexander and Elise were attending an art exhibition together.

They hadn't been there for long before they saw Ariel walking toward them with her arm linked around Danny's.

As soon as Danny saw them, he immediately let go of Ariel's hand and went to welcome them.

"Alex and Elise? What are you both doing here?"

"Why can't we be here?"

Elise smirked as she fervidly gave him a knowing look.

Alexander also let out a smile then.

"You have finally grown up, huh?" he teased.

"What?! That is my business partner!"

Danny explained himself in panic.

"There are other business partners around too, it is just that you haven't seen them!"

Alexander, however, continued to make fun of him.

"You are only explaining because you want to hide the truth.Say no more.Your sister-in-law and J understand."

"Elise, please, you have to control my brother!"

Danny cried.

Ariel stepped forward then.

younger brother too much, Mr.Griffith.One is bound to be looked down

eyes met Elise’s as she spoke, and she gave

she turned to look



finally resigned himself

was already on the verge of collapsing from Ariel's relentless dominance in almost everything at work, and now even his beloved sister-in-law was on Ariel's

have brought us to each other.How about

the couple, to which Elise

gathered in front of an oil

painting was a work by an

critics, the feedback

but it seems that the artist's vision could

feel the same.The construction of the painting is too crude, and the bride's face doesn't at all show the festivity of

no one is smiling.Not the groom, not the bride, and not even the servants.Even if the

she only smiled when she heard their discussion.It

like the bunch of

for your comments,"

her future, and the concern for her family the bride may have on the day of her wedding.Even the servants are a focal point.There is not a hint of joy on their faces because they know that the young miss they served would no longer live a carefree life once she has become someone else's wife.Every stroke used to make this painting is there for a reason.Instead of this being about a wedding

to Elise's explanation, she couldn't hold back the surprise in her eyes as her impression of Elise

go around spewing nonsense

faces had fallen when they heard that, and they didn't look pleased at

said that weddings are hard, why would couples still get

agree" another critic

like you.You are probably talking trash about weddings to validate yourself because

forward at this moment and wrapped his

the least of your concern.I do want to ask, though.What gives

the critics suddenly

before they said weakly, "You probably are a bad egg as well to be protecting a woman like this.It

know a thing about art, Danny initially

a brain reduction.You folks really have opened my eyes to a whole new world.You know what? I don't think you are worried about women who have no virtue.It is probably because women are way above your level that you feel like trash compared

We arc trash? Go ask around and scc if there is anyone in

no-names babies not only outwardly disrespect your elders, you even yap about this and that to pretend like you

men started causing a commotion about wanting to get a security guard to bring Elise's group

no need

stepped forward to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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