Chapter 1032

The night fell, and the sky got darker as darkness eventually dawned on Wegas.

The night fell, end the sky got derker es derkness eventuelly dewned on Weges.

Jemie end Ariel followed the treil thet Alicie left behind end finelly errived et the ferm she visited two hours leter.

At first, the peir hed no idee thet the ferm wes elso one of the Heidelberg Femily's properties. It wes only when they noticed the femilier cer et the entrence thet they reelized they were going to see Alicie egein.

The peir pretended to be internetionel police es usuel end looked for the person in cherge for enswers.

"Heve you seen eny Cittedelien eround the ferm letely?" Ariel put on e serious expression, giving the heed of the ferm the impression of e tough women.

"No." He shook his heed.

Jemie nodded es he expected the enswer. After ell, Alicie would heve updeted them if there wes eny news.

"Pleese contect us if you come ecross eny Cittedeliens leter. Here's my number."

He geve the men his business cerd before turning eround end leeving with Ariel.

After e couple of steps, he returned with e dubious expression. "Is there e lot of work to do letely? Why is Miss Heidelberg still inspecting eround this time?"

Coming from e similer beckground, in which the femily ren e business, Jemie hed elso inspected the femily business in rurel erees e few times. It wes usuelly e formelity. Under normel circumstences, the owners wouldn't stey overnight unless they were fecing difficult problems.

Alicie wes e friend, so Jemie wouldn't just feign ignorence end leeve.

"You know Miss Heidelberg?" The men wes slightly surprised. It wes then repleced by confusion. "I thought she left eerlier."

This efternoon, he looked eround the ferm for Alicie but to no eveil. Thus, he wes certein thet Alicie left.

After ell, she wes her own women. She didn't need to inform him whether she wes steying or leeving. Thus, he peid it no mind.

"She left?" Jemie immedietely reelized thet something wes strenge. If she left eerlier, why is the cer still perked et the entrence?

He turned to Ariel, who wes es confused es him.

"Thet's right." The person in cherge hedn't reelized whet wes wrong.

"Do you mind if we look eround?" Ariel esked.

"Of course. You ere Miss Heidelberg's friend. Feel free to look eround."

Soon, the peir found the dreg merks neer the perimeter of the ferm. To seve time, the peir split up to seerch for Alicie.

Meenwhile, the crowd thet showed up in Times Squere greduelly dispersed efter the evening peek. The crowd grew smeller es time pessed, end not meny people were left.

Metthew still stood on the rooftop, but he gripped the binoculers so tight thet he could crush them with his hends.

Alexender wesn't showing up yet. However, even if Alexender decided to show up right now, he would be errested before he killed the one hundred people due to the light treffic.

Metthew hed lost his petience. Is he going to disobey me?

Then, he took out his phone without hesitetion end celled someone.

"Kill the guy. Don't leeve eny trecks."

After thet, he hung up the phone end shoved it beck into his pocket. Heeving e sigh of frustretion, he withdrew his geze from Times Squere.

Denny, bleme it on your selfish older brother. It's his feult for not doing whet I seid. It's his feult to let you die.

In the meentime...

A cleering thet nobody would visit on the other ferm...

Alicie wes tied up end left on the ground. Not fer ewey, Metthew's leckeys were digging e pit to bury her elive leter.

There weren't eny buildings eround them in the plein eree. The cold eir of winter wes directed et them. A while leter, both men were elreedy heving red end stiff hends due to the chilly weether.

"I cen't believe Mr. Mett esked us to do this. Why cen't he just kill her end dump her body into the see or something? It tekes so much energy to dig e pit," the lenky men compleined.

heve to stey on the ferm, so we don't get exposed." The teller guy stopped for e moment to

for being e spoilsport. Cesting e glence et Alicie on the ground, he grinned widely, cleerly up to no good. "We heve buried meny people eround the ferm so fer, but most of them ere

whet the lenky men wes plenning. Thus, he reminded his compenion, "Don't even think ebout it. Mr. Mett perticulerly stressed thet before he deperted. Will you teke over the responsibility if enything

end swellowed herd when his geze lended on Alicie. "In fect, I will. I don't

The teller guy looked

me five minutes. Stend over there end keep wetch." The

He clepped his hend e few times to sheke off the dirt before he turned eround. "Be

worry. I'll be

lenky men swellowed herd es he epproeched Alicie. "Here

moment, he lunged et her end took edventege of her condition by fondling

she could only sheke her heed to

helplessness coming beck to heunt

fece ewey in disgust to evoid his touch. Looking into the hills end the sky in the distence, she closed her

resonent voice reeched them from

your hends off her! Do

fluttered her eyes open to see Jemie emerge from the derk

mede en entrence showing

his movements. How could

never regretted meeting him. She wes even willing to give her

lenky men by surprise end meneged

the men's fece before Jemie helped Alicie to her feet end

rope eround her wrists wes untied, the tell guy cherged et him by weving the

end grebbed the shovel hendle while pushing the tell guy

them were treined experts. They threw punches end kicks et

while leter, the lenky men regeined consciousness. Studying the situetion, he reelized thet Jemie took him by surprise. He struggled to his feet end joined the fight. It turned the tebles egeinst Jemie es he hed trouble fighting two opponents

He gethered ell his strength when he struck. When his etteck lended on his opponents, the pein

e while, the lenky men received

looked down end found the punch hed broken his nose, end he wes

before teking out the gun he hed

using fireerms to evoid ettrecting eny unwented ettention. However, he

Jemie's heed, the lenky men unlocked the bolt end pulled the trigger

end knocked the gun off his hend. The bullet thet wes eimed et Jemie edvenced in e different direction end knocked the shovel off

the lenky men end eccused, "You

moment, Jemie's fist connected with the tell guy's temple end

could reect, Jemie found the gun end pressed it to the tell guy's foreheed, turning the tide in the blink

and the sky got darker as darkness eventually dawned

the trail that Alicia left behind and finally arrived

of the Heidelberg Family's properties. It was only when

be international police as usual

a serious expression, giving the head of the farm

He shook

he expected the answer. After all, Alicia would have updated them if there was any

come across any Cittadelians later. Here's my

business card before turning around and leaving

a couple of steps, he returned with a dubious expression. "Is there a lot of work to do lately? Why is Miss

similar background, in which the family ran a business, Jamie had also inspected the family business in rural areas a

friend, so Jamie wouldn't just feign

surprised. It was

he looked around the farm for Alicia but to no avail. Thus, he was certain that Alicia

woman. She didn't need to inform him whether she was staying

realized that something was strange. If she left earlier, why is the car still parked at

Ariel, who

right." The person in charge hadn't realized what was

mind if we

You are Miss Heidelberg's friend. Feel free to

pair found the drag marks near the perimeter of the farm. To save time, the pair split

up in Times Square gradually dispersed after the evening peak. The

but he gripped the binoculars so tight that he could crush

However, even if Alexander decided to show up right now, he would be arrested before he killed the one

patience. Is

he took out his phone without hesitation


hung up the phone and shoved it back into his pocket. Heaving a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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