Chapter 1094 Till Death Do Us Part

Wendy still didn't say a word.

"Miss Jennings, this is an emergency! Please, you have to make a decision!" everyone urged.

Wendy finally stood up and spoke slowly, "We have to save him, but our priority is for everyone to leave this place immediately!"

"But why? We trust Mr. Morgan! He will never betray the organization!" everyone exclaimed in unison. They thought that Wendy was blowing things out of proportion.

"You only see that we have fallen into Smith Co.'s trap, but who knows if they have set up a bigger trap for us or not? Who can guarantee that we are not at their mercy? It is better to be safe than sorry. We must evacuate! Those who violate the order will be abandoned."


She was in full-on leader mode. None of her followers dared to further question her when they felt the overwhelming force oozing out of her. They immediately marched out the door after receiving the order, but within the next second, they were beaten up and thrown back into the room one after another. They even coughed up enough blood to wet the floor when they heavily fell on the floor in front of Wendy.

The moment she lowered her head, Alexander and Jackson, who had masks on, rushed in with their subordinates.

"Wendy Jennings, we are going to arrest you!" Jackson flashed an arrest warrant at her.

Wendy let out a long sigh. "I didn't think I would still be one second too late. As expected of Alexander, who is my favorite successor."

Hearing that, Alexander took off his mask right in front of everyone. "Thanks for the compliment," he murmured.

Wendy's face immediately fell. "Y-You have infiltrated Triune a long time ago, haven't you?!"

"It seems like the student has surpassed the master." Alexander didn't say much, but his words were soul-stirring.

A murderous glint suddenly flashed in her wrinkled eyes. The next moment, she turned around and sat back on the highchair before she hit a mechanism on the chair.

Sensing her movements, Jackson rushed toward her and pulled her off the chair. As he stepped on her, he put the muzzle of his gun against the back of her head. "You are still trying to pull this sh*t even when you are about to die, huh? You best believe that I won't hesitate to shoot you right now!"

strength to struggle at all. She only lifted her head to look at Alexander with a sinister smile hanging on her lips. "It's worth it, being able to

her surprise, Alexander let out a mocking smirk. "What if Elise has been my one

her head in denial. "That is

here I am standing, as alive as I can be. The gods are fair. They will only take the lives of those who deserve to die. Elise and I, on the other hand, are fated to stay together till

based on what she had observed in the past few days on the walls of the castle. Suddenly, the piercing sounds of sirens blasted around her.


barged into the room and sternly

Where to?"

brought to the ground in ten minutes. I'm the only one who can bring you out

over her face. She didn't

about, and she insisted, "There is no need for me to joke at a time like this. Trusting me is the only

a free lunch. No one would let others take

without worry." Zoe went straight to the point. "I am sick of my life here. I want to live a normal life! It is my

together into a frown. She still had reservations about Zoe's

believe me?" Zoe decided to put her cards on the table. "If I wanted to harm you, I would have exposed you since the first

to it on Alexander's behalf, but I have one condition—I'm not the only one leaving here.

hundreds of people you are trying to save. We can't possibly relocate them in ten minutes! You are making it hard on me."

we can save them. You have two choices now—we can

immediately walked out of the room after she threw that out.

a moment to decide before she eventually conceded. "What a troublesome woman!" She

entire castle continued to sink and collapse amidst the explosion before it finally fell

escorted back to

was acquitted the very


morning came, news of physics professor Wendy Jennings' sudden death spread everywhere, and the

of an anti-human terrorist organization did not deserve such treatment. However, they didn't pursue this matter anymore. After all, Triune had met its demise.

mulled over it for a long time before she eventually decided to terminate her pregnancy and leave Wegas.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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