Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 19

Jack stiffened for a moment before quickly getting the security guard to seize the phony reporter. He frowned as he looked at her bleeding wound, “How are you feeling?”

Elise smiled, “You should take care of your fans first.”

Jack nodded and signaled his manager by giving him a look.

“Sorry, but today’s meet and greet is canceled. See you all another time.”


The fans screeched and shrieked. Jack’s manager simply got the security to surround them.

Jack then helped Elise to the dressing room,


Smack! A sheaf of papers was thrown onto one of the tables in the dressing room. Papers scattered haphazardly

across the surface, having been dislodged from its neatly arranged pile.

The manager felt dread coursing through his body. “We‘ve investigated things thoroughly: your antis are behind this.”

Jack was livid. “And you call yourself a manager? Allowing people to smuggle a knife to a meet and greet?”

“My apologies. I didn‘t go through the fans‘ belongings thoroughly thinking they were just props.” The manager

was filled with remorse.

Alexander looked at the injured Elise from where he sat. His heart felt tight, as though some invisible rope had

bound it up. With each step he took toward her, that rope tightened its grip on him.

“Enough. I‘m going to send her to the hospital now. You handle whatever you need to do properly.” An undercurrent of fury peeked through Alexander‘s frigid tone. With that, he bent down, scooping Elise into his arms before he left the dressing room.

The manager only dared to speak again once Alexander had left. He handed a cell phone to Jack.

After the meet and greet had been canceled, Elise‘s name became trending due to the obsessed frenzy of the fans. Slurs and allegations were hurled at her all across the internet.

‘You can tell with one look that that woman‘s in league with that perpetrator. She failed at being a stan, so she did

this instead to garner sympathy.”

‘She‘s a master alright!

The manager weighed the situation. “How about I get a good PR agent to make an announcement?”

“You don‘t have to.” Jack said as he quickly typed up a Tweet and posted it.

me. Please stop spreading false claims! And

 understand Jack’s actions. “You‘ve never mentioned anyone in your Tweets before. Why did you do such an illogical move? At this rate, your

boss me around just because you‘re my manager. If my brother

would’ve long since gotten

since someone had been this kind to him. Elise had rushed over to push him

He couldn’t

and suffer all that hate

 to the hospital, the doctor performed a full checkup on her.

 didn‘t cut through your muscles or tendons.

 the orthopedics department when she caught sight of Alexander sitting on the bench by the door. His eyes


mean?” Elise was puzzled. He‘s angry? Hey, I‘m the one getting

 Yet you still pounced forward!” He froze for a

his mouth. He seemed to have unwittingly been

clearly words said out of concern, but they sounded like they were filled with reproach. Elise

 She had no idea what

a nurse came over with the medicine that the doctor had prescribed for her, breaking the stiffness in the


expression as she put her hands on her hips and chewed him out. “I could hear you two arguing when I was inside earlier. Your girlfriend is hurt. You think this is the time for fights? If that wound goes

 still did not speak. He took the medication from the nurse, a cold

 like she had been saved, and

 nurse. “Thank you. You‘re

 speaking, but his magnetic voice boomed above her head. “Sit down.

 to apply the

 you to be the one applying it for me,” Elise

 the expression that he was currently

back at him, unwilling to

suddenly leaned in

 Elise’s heart hammered in her chest as her eyes widened like

 a trance when he was staring at Elise

realized what he had done, he promptly put some distance between them again. His tone was as cold as ever

 intimidating yet logical.

 wound with a pair

 continued to help her apply the medication.

 the side, trying to force herself to

 Alexander noticed Elise‘s brows knitting together slightly. He

 right. All you need to do after this is get some proper rest.

 she heard Alexander say that seemingly out of

 His fans

 of logic is that? I saved their darling idol, and they instead decided to turn around and eat me alive?” Elise truly

 hospital for now.” Clearly, Alexander didn‘t want to keep elaborating. “If you need anything during your stay, call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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