Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 22

Elise found him to be childishly funny. Why does he even care whether I participate in the Math Olympiad, or if I humiliate myself? It’s not like he’s the one to be humiliated!

“Give me my book back!” She was angered.

However, the foolhardy Danny couldn’t care less about her. He then countered with a provoking face, “Nope.

What are you gonna do?”


Somehow, she was amused as the vexation in her diminished. If that’s how you wanna do it, I’ll play along with



“How are you so sure I’d be shaming myself? What if I got first place again?” Upon those words, Danny couldn’t

contain himself and instantly chortled aloud.

Despite his stupidity, he was well aware of the standards of the City Mathematics Olympiad Competitions’


The participants viewed studying as life, and had never rested from training themselves, which allowed them to

achieve such a level. You, Elise Sinclair, on the other hand, are just a country bumpkin who merely got first place in

the Math Olympiad out of sheer luck. Know your place, bumpkin!If she were to go head to head with those life-long

learners, she’d die from embarrassment!

“Don’t worry about getting first place, Elise. If you could even get a consolation prize, pigs would start to fly.”

After all, the City Mathematics Olympiad Competition isn’t meant for amateurs. And with Elise’s level, all she can do

is be a filler.

Danny was pretty confident about that.

Elise proposed, “Oh, is that so? Why don’t we make a bet, then?”

Upon the suggestion, Danny started hesitating. In spite of his words, he felt somewhat timid. If she somehow managed to harvest all the luck in the universe and got herself a participation prize, he would be in grave loss.

Hence, he added, “Let’s make this clear. Participation prize doesn’t count. Your choices are the winner, first runner-up, or second runner-up.”

grinned, as if she had seen through

So are we doing this or

for? It’s on, then. What do

I win the competition, you’ll have to stay out of my way from

 Danny was still hesitating for

now: if you lose, leave the Griffiths alone and get


 reached an agreement. Danny seemed to have noticed nothing odd, confident that she

the Griffiths, he would never have

longer. How refreshing!


and stopped bothering her.

he had to spread the

news, mine own brethrens! Elise the ugly monster is


Jack: ‘For real?’

shall cometh very lief! And brethrens, thou shan’t forget a mead

the hero


about? Am I that messed up to you? I’m only making her

of justice!

power of justice? Care to

was so boastful that he laid out every detail about the gamble he had

ready as I bring home the

hands and unlocked his phone. When he saw the message mentioning a flag

the conversation. His

A bet?

an ordinary man could see the result of the gamble. Yet,

see Elise lose.


school, it was Jack who

an idol,

he couldn’t help controlling his urge and quizzed, “Are you really having

Jack was informed about the bet. She simply blurted a “yes” in

to remind her, “You know, everyone

one of them

place even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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