Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 26

Elise was so concentrated on solving the problems that she did not notice Alexander’s exploring gaze. After she completed one question, the scrap paper was already full of workings. Elise stretched while a deep voice

emerged from beside. “Good job. You‘ve used the correct method and formula. Continue with the next question. This question is less challenging than the previous one.”

Elise hummed in response and continued solving the questions with high spirits. As time passed, Elise became

so tired that she dozed off on the study table.


The dim light shone on her ugly face, but at this moment, Alexander thought Elise didn’t look that bad at all. He even thought she looked rather gentle.

Standing up, he then carried Elise and laid her gently on the bed. Upon being put on the bed, Elise flipped over


and slept like a log after adjusting to a comfortable posture.

The next morning, Elise woke up to see sunlight shining through the window. She flipped over and sat up from the bed. It was only then did she realize she was still wearing the school uniform from yesterday. After being in a daze for a while, she recalled that she dozed off at the study table last night.

How did I get to the bed? She thought of a possibility but quickly patted her head ruefully and got out of her bed swiftly to dress up in the changing room.

Fortunately, her makeup still looked fine and her wig did not come off. Elise checked her appearance in the mirror again and only went downstairs with her school bag after ensuring that everything looked fine.

The car was already awaiting her at the gate. Elise quickly opened the door and got into the car. It was only then

did she realize the driver was actually Alexander. At once, Elise’s mind ran wild as she thought of last night’s

scene. Feeling embarrassed, she pretended to be unaffected and sat quietly at the backseat.

Alexander started the car engine and drove out slowly. On the way, no one spoke a word. Elise had never felt so awkward before as she could even sense the suppressed atmosphere. Inwardly, Elise kept praying that she

would arrive at the school as soon as possible.

wait to open the car door before the car even

the door was

unlock the door, Elise said. However, at this moment, Alexander passed her a book. “What is this?” Elise wore a

Math Olympiad past-year questions. You might

thinking, Elise rejected immediately. However, Alexander didn’t even give her the chance to reject as he insisted, “I never take back things that I’ve given out. If you


as Alexander’s tone was indifferent, Elise still perceived his displeasure. Oh

displeased upon being rejected.

to provoke Alexander again, so she took the book

practice book. After humming in response, he unlocked the door and

Drive safe.” Elise waved at

immediately but watched Elise enter the campus and waited

from his sight. It was only then did he retract his

her classroom. Holding the practice book from Alexander,

was. Eventually, she decided to stop


Alexander gave her the book out of kindness, she decided to keep it. Besides, she had almost finished the practice questions that she had. So, now that Alexander had given her some new material, she

of buying new practice

Elise stopped questioning Alexander’s intention. After entering the classroom and

she started reading

the moment she arrived at the

and passed it to Elise.

eyes were filled with excitement at once. “How did you know that

she did not expect them to have the

alike, huh?”

lollipop and started sucking on it after unwrapping it. At once, a familiar taste spread

During this period, she had always disguised herself

eating for many years. Now that

familiar flavor,

have many lollipops of different flavors at home. I’ll bring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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