Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 29

The news that Alexander had gotten into an accident had alarmed a lot of people. In the hospital, the Griffiths were all present, including Jonah.

“How’s Alexander? Is his life in danger?” Danny asked the doctor in a very anxious tone. The doctor then

answered truthfully, “Aside from outer injuries, there isn’t much trauma on his body. However, we will only be sure

after a thorough examination. Please be patient.”


“Thank you, doctor,” Jonah said with sincerity. Knowing that the Griffiths are of noble backgrounds, the doctor reassured them, “Don’t worry, we’ll try our best.”



When Elise arrived at the hospital, she had changed back to her usual look. She had even bandaged the wound

on her right hand.

“Grandpa Griffith, is Alexander okay?”

He then gave a few pats on the back of her hand, unsure of whether they were to assure her or himself. “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.”

She then acknowledged him before looking up to see the door of the operation room that was closed. Inevitably, she felt heavy in her heart.

Meanwhile, Danny was full of complaints. He pulled Alexander’s assistant, Cameron, over, before questioning him. “What happened? Why did he suddenly go racing again? He even got into such a big accident.”

“Young Master Griffith, I’ve already assigned some people to investigate this matter. I believe that there will be news soon. Please don’t get enraged. The most important thing right now is Mr. Griffith’s health.”

news S

“I’m telling you, if something bad happens to Alexander, I will not let you off” Danny said with anger. At this moment, he was nothing less of an enraged lion.


Just then, the door of the operation room opened. Following, a doctor and several nurses came out. At once, the Griffiths swarmed forward. “How did it go, doctor? Is my grandson alright?”

pulled off his surgical mask before reporting the condition of

basic cartilage, there isn’t anything major, but the collision has caused a cerebral concussion. Thus, he has to be monitored in the

he wake

wears off, he should

doctor’s words had made everyone feel less worried. Then, Jonah turned to look at Matthew, who had been quiet throughout the incident, before saying, “Alright, since he’s

stay here today? You all can

Matthew’s proposal today. “There isn’t much use for you to stay here. Just let Danny

to find an excuse to stay

others back

bandage on her hand. He then asked out of concern,

your hand? How did you get

instinct, she quickly tucked her hand into her pocket



her head, she said, “I’m fine, Grandpa. It’s just a minor injury. Please

concerned. Hence, he told

reached home.

Elise’s doorstep, he knocked on the door. After she


“Grandpa told me to pass this

so don’t worry about it. Relay my thanks to Grandpa

he disregarded what she said as he pulled her wrist over.

there were still traces of the wound splitting open. Even the gauze was tainted with

your wound isn’t dealt with properly. I’ll do it

him out of instinct, but he didn’t give her the chance to do so. Immediately, he undressed the gauze and applied the medication on the wound with a cotton

that the wound was obviously not caused by a trip. The wound was irregular as if it was caused by something sharp–no, it looked like a wound that was cut

eyes darkened, his expression didn’t change at all. He simply asked in a casual tone, “How

get hurt so badly?”

instinctively, she did not want to interact with him unnecessarily. “I’ll

girls like to act tough? Why are you still keeping up a tough front when you‘re already hurt? If you don’t

felt a painful chill run

breath before saying,

he smiled. “So you do feel pain. I’ll use

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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