Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 32

After taking a deep breath, Jasmine opened the door and walked into Miss Woods’ office. In truth, she was here for the public speaking competition that would be held during Chinese Week.

“Miss Woods, the public competition during Chinese Week is going to open for registrations soon. May I know

who you are planning to recommend to participate in the competition?”

In all honesty, Miss Woods actually took a liking to Jasmine. After all, the latter came from a good family background and her Chinese was quite good. She also helped Miss Woods in many tasks in their class, so she was considered as the teacher’s efficient assistant.

“I knew you would like to attend, so I will recommend you.”


Jasmine’s eyes lit up as soon as she heard Miss Woods’ words, and she immediately said sweetly, “Thank you,

Miss Woods! I will try my best.”


Miss Woods patted her back in response. “Jasmine, your Chinese is quite good professionally. You are definitely

better than the current standard that we are studying. But I think you still have a lot of room for improvement and

you can improve loads. Miss Sinclair in our class also has a good command of Chinese. You can learn from her

during your free time. Both of you can learn from each other and improve yourselves in your studies.”

Jasmine’s face immediately fell upon hearing that, but she hid her disappointment very well and immediately

wiped the emotion from her face. “Thank you, Miss Woods. I understand. I will learn from Elise.”

“Good. I believe that you would do well, so keep up the good work. It’s almost time for class now, so you better

go back first.”

After coming out of the office, Jasmine was like a deflated balloon.

Looking back, it’s obvious that Miss Woods had high hopes for Elise. This won’t do! I must surpass her and defeat

her no matter one!

And so, Jasmine took out her phone and dialed a number. “Mom, last time you told me that Mr. Beter is back. Is that true? We should pay him a visit someday=”

After hanging up the phone, Jasmine immediately felt a surge of relief.

who gets the last

school ended in the afternoon, Danny sent Elise back.

was surprising that he did not utter a

sat there quietly.

Elise got first place in the City Mathematics Olympiad Competition. He had received a call from the headmaster personally, so he was

he praised her happily. “You’re

-this is my present.”

took out a limited edition Centurion Card that

Grandpa?” he could not help

the Griffith

it to Elise? This is outrageous!


Jonah ignored him and waved

froze for a moment, but

her hands. “This is my present

you need anything,

the Centurion Card, Elise knew very

this. It’s

much. I only know that

“But Grandpa.”

should be happy that you got first place. I already made arrangements

that, you can also invite your friends


not win


take this anymore! Grandpa actually gave that country bumpkin a Centurion

a film set shooting a movie, sent a series of voice messages into

this time around. Does it hurt

“I’m miserable, but I’m not going to

out loud. “Ha! In the future, you have to address Elise as your boss, yet you still call her country bumpkin now. You need to

chimed in, “Grandpa wants to organize a celebration party for her and he invited many established people

the treatment you get if you are his biological grandchild.” Jack replied. “It seems like us brothers are adopted by him instead. I wouldn’t even be

that day, so I’ll go back later. Do send


Then, he tagged Alexander.

now. He has been troubled for the past few days. I bet he doesn’t

at his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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