Chapter 48

When Elise woke up again, she noticed that her surroundings were pitch black. She slowly sat up and realized that her hands were tied with ropes, so she couldn’t move.

“Is anyone there?!” Elise shouted hoarsely to her surroundings, yet the only answer she got was her own echo.

Roughly guessing the situation she was currently in, she struggled with all her might. Not even hesitating to jerk her wrists so violently that the ropes cut against them, she managed to break free in the end.

Already adapted to the darkness, she looked around and found that it was a shabby hut. Then, she got up and walked to the door to open it. As the frosty wind of the dark night whistled by and froze her cheeks, accompanied by the howling of some wild animals coming from afar, Elise’s heart sank. “When I find out who did this, I’ll kill them!”

Suddenly, she saw two tall men coming toward her, so she hurriedly closed the door and retreated, feigning that she was still tied up.


“It’s tough to stay on this mountain even for a few days.”

“It’s okay. When we finish this, we can take a good rest for a while. Hold on a little longer; it’s only two or three days more. It will soon pass.”


Elise listened to their conversation, which got louder as they got closer to the hut. Then, the door was opened, and as the harsh light hit Elise, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to shield.

“You’re awake.” One of the men spoke, then threw a cold bun he brought in front of Elise.

“Eat it; don’t starve to death.”

Elise did not look at the bun on the ground but raised her eyes to look at the two men and said, “Why did you kidnap me here?”

The man did not answer her words but just said, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. We only did it for the money, so we don’t know anything else.”

Elise lowered her eyes and said, “If you let me go now, I can give you a large sum of money.”

men laughed at the same time when they heard that. “Girl, do you think we’re such untrustworthy people? You’d better stay here and shut it;

said this, the two men would have

then said, “You’re teasing us! A million? In rocks,

you release me, I will leave you alone, and I will even

of it. “Don’t brag. You have a million? I’m

Elise saw that this trick did not work, she thought of nothing more. Since the other party did not look like they wanted to hurt her, she decided to be patient and did not say

later, the two people guarding her

think what that girl said about the

girl’s words

of the night, and then

her spirits lifted a little. If there was only

sake, she still contacted Jamie

the bracelet she wore and sent


and only then she seriously surveyed the surroundings. Waiting until the man outside could not stay awake and was feeling utterly sleepy, Elise found

did not have time to react and so he flopped to the ground directly. Without the slightest delay, Elise ran down the

studied the terrain of Silvermoon Mountain and knew that there were only two roads that could reach the top of the

along the trail; we will meet at the top of the mountain. If something unexpected happens in the middle of our journey, use the fire

“Okay, Alex. Be careful.”

of them launched

anxious to escape, she did not pay attention and tripped over some rocks, causing her to lurch forward and fall down. Rolling along the steep road, she finally

overhead. Then, she was just about to get up when she vaguely heard footsteps gradually approaching. As her heart thumped fast, she

cold. Put this jacket on.” A subordinate handed over

fine, and you guys should layer more on. How far do we have

the journey, so there is still only a little way

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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