The man contemplated for a moment and said, “5 million!”

Dumbstruck at hearing the figure, Elise thought, The stone which he bought for 20,000 has a price of 5 million now! 

However, Alexander rejected the offer directly. “This price doesn’t reach my expectations. I’m sorry.”

The other party wasn’t expecting that Alexander would be unwilling to sell it, and he continued, “8 million. That’s my final offer.”

Still, Alexander didn’t seem interested, and the craftsman stepped in to speak to Elise. “Miss, this stone has a very good color after cutting one side, but I’m afraid the depth of the color might not be what you would expect.  If you sell it now, you can still make a killing. However, if you continue with the cutting and find out there’s no more jadeite inside, I don’t think you can fetch a high price for your stone anymore.”

Looking at Alexander, Elise asked, “Mr. Griffith, do you want to sell your stone now?”

After a moment of consideration, he answered, “I think I’ve always been rather lucky, so I don’t plan to sell it for now.”

After receiving a reply from him, Elise interpreted it to the craftsman, who decided to stay out of it seeing that Alexander had chosen not to heed his words even though he was just being kind. His years of working here had shown him all types of stone gambling scenes-some became rich overnight because of this sport, while there were also others who lost every single penny.

The former were usually people with better luck, while the latter were mostly people who didn’t know when to stop. Hence, he returned to his work place without another word and continued cutting the stone with the machine.

As the commotion over here was too huge, more and more people started to gather, with the majority of the people watching in anticipation.

“Wow, there’s more jadeite!”

“Imperial jade! It’s really the imperial jade!”

“I’ve been around for so long, and it’s been years since I last saw such a fine piece of imperial jade.”


lucky to have gotten such a

comments from the crowd came one after the other, with the most being cries of excitement, and even Elise was stunned by the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. About half an hour later, the cutting of the stone was completed, and it turned out that two thirds of the stone was top-grade imperial jade. Based on the color and look, it was estimated that it would worth at least hundreds

seen in my years of experience in this

who replied, “If the

had translated his intentions into Arisian, excitement washed over the crowd, and a few

million for this stone. Will you sell it to

offer 35

jewelry company,” someone offered and passed a business card to Alexander. Peering at the card, Alexander saw that the man was from the third largest jewelry company in the world, and he announced his lowest price. “50 million. If

“Please wait a moment

were stunned; it was simply unbelievable that a stone

it was still a regular mineral rock, but it was now worth 50 million, and she was actually there to witness the historic moment of how this came

sign the contract now! After signing the contract, the accountant from my

Alexander said, “Miss Sare, I’ll need

they signed the agreement without any problems. Within a few minutes, Alexander

she was so shocked speechless that it took her a while before she spoke again. “Mr. Griffith, I think you kinda

and cast a look at her with a soft smirk on his face. “You flatter me, Miss Sare.

after him hurriedly

You’re interested, Miss Sare?” he asked with raised

bobbed her head eagerly; her interest

unrelated in any way, so there’s really no reason for us to discuss this topic. In addition, I paid a high price to hire you as my interpreter; shouldn’t you pay me some fees as well if you would like to pick up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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