As the first ray of sunshine shone through Elise’s room, her annoying alarm rang on time yet again, and she got up reluctantly to take a morning shower. Then, she went out and bumped right into Alexander. “Morning,” Alexander greeted her. “Morning,” she greeted back. They walked ahead side by side. “Had a good sleep?” he asked. She smiled sweetly at him. “Not bad.” They went downstairs, and Elise looked around, but Danny was nowhere to be found.

“Danny should be taking me to school today. Where is he?” Alexander answered, “He was wasted last night. Probably still sleeping, so I’ll give you a ride later.” Elise wasn’t going to object to that. “Sure.” She went to the dining room for her breakfast. It was a simple one, which was her favorite. Once she was done, she went into Alexander’s car. While she was on her way to school, Elise did her extra homework, while Alexander looked at her, who was focused, in the rear-view mirror gently.

When they stopped at her school, she quickly kept her stuff away. “I’ll be going now. You should go to work too. Bye.” She got out of the car and strode toward the gate, but then, a guy stopped her. “Elise!” Elise stopped instinctively and turned around, and she was greeted by a delighted Zachary. “Finally.” He beamed at her and showed her the breakfast he bought. “For you.” Elise was slightly annoyed that he was here, so she didn’t take the breakfast. “Why are you here?”

Zachary chose to ignore that question and only smiled at her, but then he looked sad. “I thought I asked you to wait for me after the test. Why did you leave without me? I…” He bit his tongue and instead said, “It’s fine. I’ll come to you anyway. Oh, I’ve heard about the results. You got full marks again, huh? Congrats,” he congratulated her.

the breakfast he bought. “Nothing. Just here

want to do this.” Elise kept on refusing. “Please don’t, Zachary. We’re only highschoolers, and relationships aren’t really

wanted to end it right there and then, she asked, “Zachary, why are you doing this? What do you want from me? I’m not exactly pretty. You can even call me ugly and I won’t say a thing. Why are you so interested in me?” Zachary tried to look at her calmly, but his heart wouldn’t stop

I in a novel or something? “Yes, you aren’t the prettiest girl around, but you’re very capable. I mean, you got full marks in the Math Olympiad nationals. That alone is already great enough. Also, you’re kind and always helpful. That’s why I like you. I don’t care about your looks. I care about what’s inside. Yes, I know it’s not great for high schoolers to get in a relationship, but I can

it and saw Alexander standing behind her. He smiled apologetically, “Sorry for interrupting

The guy looked and felt better than Zachary in every way,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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