“Don’t worry! Noel said that the odds are in our favor, so all we have to do now is wait. I believe we’ll hear good news soon.” The anticipation Jack felt earlier had completely disappeared since he didn’t get a firm answer. H is so mysterious. None of the major media sites have managed to dig out any information about her even after so many years. How could he possibly resurface just because of me? That’s completely impossible.

Jack had completely lost all hope by the time he followed Ronald into the elevator. “By the way, do you know those two girls from earlier?” Ronald couldn’t help but ask.

“I do,” Jack uttered with a grunt. Ronald recalled the glimpse of Elise and Samantha that he had caught earlier. “Both of them have some potential, especially the taller girl. Her body proportions are perfect—it’s almost as if she’s made to be in the entertainment industry.

Her face doesn’t look that great, but she might be able to get into this industry if she does some minor plastic surgery.” Jack knew that Ronald was referring to Elise. “That’s Elise, the girl that I said I used to fancy,” Jack uttered without any hesitation. “I might have overstepped my boundaries, then.”

Ronald immediately sealed his lips tight. … On the other hand, it was Samantha’s turn for the audition. Elise waited in the corridor for about 30 minutes before Samantha came out of the room. “How was it?” Elise asked in a concerned tone. Samantha simply shook her head. “No idea. The director told me to go back and wait for their announcement.” “It’s fine. Let’s go back for now, then.” Elise attempted to comfort her.

Right when the two girls got back to school, Samantha received a call from the director’s team. “Ah, Elise! I was chosen! The director wants me to report to them next week. It’s only a supporting role, but the director said that my role is relatively important, so I’ll have to film for nearly a month!”

and happiness was written all over her face as she spoke. “Congratulations. You’re getting to do what you enjoy!” Elise was happy for her friend as well. “In celebration of this

a group of four.” Samantha thought that it was a good idea, so she gave Riley a call while Elise dropped Mikayla a text. Elise gave Jonah a call after she was done inviting Mikayla for that night. “I’m going out for some

be coming home a little later tonight.” Jonah’s voice was full of care for the young girl. “Alright! Send me your location, and I’ll get the driver to pick you up later.” Elise told him the address before they ended the call. …

well-dressed woman, and the woman uttered a polite ‘thank you’ before she took the lipstick from Elise’s hands. Elise

fixing her clothes and her makeup before she turned to leave. At that very moment, she heard the woman making a call. “Alexander, darling!” the woman

thought, Elise realized how unlikely that would be. She therefore ignored the woman and strode out of the bathroom. Luxor Karaoke was a large place, and its corridors were rather long and windy. Furthermore, each of their rooms were about the same size, and Elise couldn’t identify the room that she had been

her attention at the corner of her eye. It was an extremely familiar figure. “Alexander…” Elise muttered. He

like he had any intentions of pushing her away. At that very moment, Elise felt a strong force coming

in the room turned to look at her. “Yo, does this place provide women that will send themselves directly to your doorstep?” A man’s voice

anything that was happening in the room. “I think you might have gotten the wrong room, gorgeous.” The same man’s voice sounded as he strode toward Elise. Elise finally lifted her head—she knew she couldn’t avoid him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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