Lily chuckled when she realized that she could no longer conceal her actual intentions. “It’s true that I fancy Mr. Griffith, but I’m afraid I don’t know him that well yet. I was hoping that you could tell me a little about Mr. Griffith’s interests and hobbies, Miss Sare.” Elise responded with a polite smile.

“You must be kidding, Miss Lily. I’m nothing more than a subordinate—I don’t think I’m at liberty to discuss anything related to my boss’s matters. If you don’t have any other orders, I’ll step outside now, Miss Lily. I’ll come in once you’re done.” Right as Elise was about to leave, Lily called out to her once more.

“It seems like you’re not willing to tell me anything about Mr. Griffith, Miss Sare. Regardless, I think it would be a shame if you were to just walk out without listening to the rest of what I’d like to say.” “What else would you like to say, Miss Lily?” Elise tried to remain as patient as possible while Lily quietly scanned her from head to toe before speaking.

“Give me an amount! As long as it’s something within my capabilities, I’ll give you whatever you want. I can agree to keep it a secret—your boss will never know about this.” There wasn’t even a slight change in Elise’s expression as she spoke. “Apart from our work, I don’t think there’s much to be said between both of us, Miss Lily.

I’m sorry, but I think I should leave now.” This time, Elise no longer hesitated—she turned and strode right out of the room. Lily was left alone in the water, her expression one of fury as she glared at Elise’s receding figure. Elise let out a sigh after she stepped away from the hot springs. Phew. I finally managed to get rid of Lily. She’s a pretty exotic woman, though. Other women might think of it as shameful to speak of such matters, but Lily didn’t seem reluctant to do it at all. 

After stepping away from the hot springs, Elise walked to a garden opposite the area and sat down on one of the swings there. While sitting on the swing, Elise didn’t notice the imminent threat creeping up behind her. She was casually swinging herself back and forth on the swing one moment, yet at the very next moment, a slippery, green object slithered over to her.

“Ahh…!” Elise screamed in terror. Her face was drained of color when she saw what the creature was. “A… s-snake…” If Elise had to pick one thing that she was the most terrified of in the world, her choice would always be the same. She was terrified of snakes, and there was a living, breathing snake just ten feet away from her at that moment.

run away from the threat, but her legs felt like they were drilled into the ground. “Don’t come… Don’t come here… Save me!” Elise couldn’t care less about how she looked

onto the ground with a loud smack.

curled up into a ball as it twitched and jerked in pain. “Are you okay?” Alexander walked over to Elise, his voice filled with concern. Before

and he hastily got the security workers to catch the snake. “I’m sorry, Mr. Griffith. You guys must have been really shocked.” One of the security guards delivered his apology in a fearful tone. Alexander didn’t respond to the guard and simply continued to pat Elise’s back gently. “It’s

didn’t seem to feel any better. She continued to cling tightly onto Alexander. He narrowed his eyes as he considered pushing her off of him, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it in the end. Meanwhile, Jack gestured for the security guards to

what felt like ages, Elise finally stuck her head out to check if the snake was still there. The uneasy feeling in her chest finally disappeared once she made sure that there weren’t any snakes near

shifted her gaze upward to meet his eyes, and it was only then did she realize how close their bodies were to each other. She hastily backed away from him as blood rushed up to her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Mr. Griffith. That

saw earlier was just a regular garter snake, and it wasn’t poisonous at all.” Elise didn’t even want to speak about the snake at all. “Well, if there isn’t anything else you need me to do, I’ll head back to the

Elise decided to stop by the bar at the entrance of the hot springs. She ordered a drink for herself. A while later, Lily walked

spring was lovely, Mr. Griffith. I really enjoyed it. Miss Sare, in particular, was really thoughtful. You have a really capable assistant—it explains how you managed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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