Chapter 106,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise was rather stunned to see Jack there. “I’m heading home,” she explained. “Let me send you back, then,” Jack offered. He hastily opened the car door, and Elise got into the car. Only then did she realize that Alexander was also sitting in the MPV. Despite the sense of awkwardness that she felt, Elise took the initiative to greet him. “I didn’t know you were here!” Alexander was flipping through some documents, and he merely responded with a curt nod.

Jack was the one who explained the situation. “I went to pick Alexander up from the airport earlier, and I happened to bump into you here. But you don’t seem to be in a good mood. You look really sad.” “Since when did you learn to care about others? You’ve never treated me this way in the past!” 

Elise teased him. Jack shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “You should learn to appreciate my kindness toward you, Elise. I’m just caring for you as a friend. Furthermore, you used to be so ugly, old-fashioned and noisy. Now, you’re just as ugly and old-fashioned, but I’ve finally realized that you’re a pretty decent person.”

This sounded better to Elise’s ears. “Thanks! My good friend told me that you’re releasing a new song soon. Congratulations.” The smile on Jack’s face widened upon the mention of his new song. He seemed especially excited even at the thought of it. “Thank you! You should come over to hang out during the press conference for the new song.” Elise rejected him immediately. “No thanks. I’m afraid your fans might murder me. However, my friend is a pretty huge fan of yours.

If you have tickets, can you give me two of them so that I can give it to her? She’ll be really pleased.” Jack wasn’t a stingy man and he immediately got his manager, Ronald, to hand him two tickets. “It’s next Wednesday. Make sure your friend shows up then!” “Thank you,” Elise uttered as she took the tickets from him. Jack raised an eyebrow before he smiled. “You’re welcome.” Right then, Ronald spoke up from his spot in the passenger’s seat.

she wishes to. It’s none of my business. I can’t be bothered to respond,” he uttered flatly. Ronald was rather troubled by his response. “She used to be

“She got rich off of one song. Apart from that, she just tries to hop onto all of the trendiest things in the industry. If I respond to her now, the media will start writing reports about our scandal tomorrow. I don’t want to have anything to do with her.” After wiping the sweat off his forehead, Ronald decided he would no longer insist on responding to Charlene. “Fine. Let’s just ignore her, then.” As the two men had their

an overly-excited Jonah. “Did you get to meet my old friend, Alexander? How is he?” “Mr. Burton is well and healthy. He kept asking for you, and he really hopes that you’ll get a chance to

next time.” Jonah took a glance at Elise and Alexander before he let out another long sigh. “I’m old now, Alexander. There’re a lot of things that I want to do, but so many things that I don’t have the energy to complete. You’re

he muttered with a frown. Jonah had no idea what was going on in Alexander’s mind. “You should focus on your future, Alexander. Let the past be the past. You need to learn to cherish those who are right in front of

Now, I might miss this place too much if I were to leave. … Once Alexander and Elise retreated to their own rooms, Jonah picked the phone up to make an international call. “Both

great. I had been worried about them, but I’m glad to hear that they both got home. By the way, your grandson seems like a decent guy. I think he’d be a good match for my girl.” Jonah was pleased to hear this, and he laughed heartily before responding. “I’ve told you about this before—I’m certain that I want Elise as my daughter-in-law. It’s just a matter of time before this happens.” “You’re a cunning old man, eh? Well,

this. “You’d better stick to your word, old man.” Midway through their conversation, Jonah began to frown as he recalled his concerns. “Hey, Linus. Since we’re on this topic, I just realized that

together?” Linus chuckled upon hearing Jonah’s words. “I can’t believe you’re asking me for help, old man.” Jonah had to maintain his pride. “I’m not asking for help. I’m just telling you to act as the middleman who creates sparks between them.” Linus scoffed. “You’re so harsh with your words. Back when I was young, I…” Linus was about to continue

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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