Chapter 119,Coolest Girl in Town

Ashlyn pounced on Queenie like a crazed woman. “What did you say, you b*tch? I’ll kill you!” Queenie faced Ashlyn’s assault head on, but it quickly devolved into a brawl. Even then, nobody went ahead to stop them, worried they might get hurt themselves. In the end, Donald had to come over with his men to stop the fight. Ashlyn’s eyes were red with anger, and she was glowering at Queenie. “You’re not getting away with this so easily, b*tch. This isn’t the end.” Donald finally snapped at that point, and he slapped Ashlyn again. “Enough! You’ve humiliated us for the last time!”


That slap finally made her calm down, but that didn’t stop Queenie. “You brought this on yourself, Ashlyn. Honestly, I thought that was a low blow even from you. Good thing your plan didn’t go through, or it’d be a bad day for the Griffiths. If Alexander was really forced to marry an evil b*tch like you, it would be the end of their family.” That was the first time someone ever insulted Donald that way. To be fair, he wasn’t the target of that insult, but he still felt humiliated.

“Take her away!” he told his bodyguards. A moment later, they propped Queenie up and took her away. But even so, that didn’t stop her from cursing. “You can’t let her go, Uncle Donald! You can’t!” Ashlyn frothed at the mouth. If she leaves, I’ll be finished! She has to die, or I won’t be able to survive in this circle! But Donald didn’t listen to Ashlyn and told his guards to bring Ashlyn away as well. Eventually, the crowd calmed down.

wasn’t looking. Embellished it, even. At the same time, everyone was glancing at Alexander. They would have said something, but Alexander was too imposing for them to do so. “Let’s go,” Alexander said curtly. He was about to leave, but then Donald came up to

sorry, Mr. Lawson, but I don’t think we need to talk about anything.” It was a slight change in how he was addressed, but it set off Donald’s alarms. He knew Ashlyn had crossed the line, but he secretly thought it would have been great for the Lawsons if she actually succeeded. Well, he couldn’t say that out loud, so he pretended to look sad. “I know Ashlyn crossed the line and it’s over between her and your family, but that doesn’t change the fact

Donald never even cared about Elise. Now that she had spoken up, he finally looked at her, but his gaze was not friendly. “She’s still my family. Furthermore, her plan didn’t succeed, did it? That’s what matters in the

the end? And here I thought public servants should know more about the law, but it seems like I’m proven wrong. Or are you trying to say you’d rather protect your niece even if that means you’d get demoted?” Donald was struck with fear after Elise said that. The whole reason he managed to

Ashlyn, Alex? I’ll do as you say.” Alex didn’t say a word until that point. After all, Elise was cute when she butted heads with Donald. Also, he could feel that she was protecting him,

fabric. “We’ll take that offer, Mr. Lawson. So how about you start with this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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