Chapter 125,Coolest Girl in Town

Hearing that, Elise suddenly lost all interest. “Mr. Griffith, I’m getting dizzy from looking at so many stones.” “You have to be calm when picking out stones, and never be impulsive. If you really want to understand stone gambling, you’ll have to learn to keep your patience in check,” Alexander said. Looking as though she understood what he said, Elise answered, “Alright, Mr. Griffith. I got it.” After making another round, Alexander suddenly came to a stop, his eyes fixed on a very huge stone.


Seeing that, Elise asked anxiously, “Mr. Griffith, do you have your eyes on this stone?” Instead of answering her, he walked closer and studied the stone carefully. “This stone is not bad.” Right after the words left his lips, Jordan walked over. “You have sharp eyes, Mr. Griffith. This is the best stone from its batch.” Raising his brow slightly, Alexander ordered, “Tell me the price.” The smile on Jordan’s face widened. “Are you thinking of buying it, Mr. Griffith?”

“Yeah, it’s a good piece of stone. If the price is alright, I’ll buy it.” “It’s a good piece of stone, indeed, but the price is on the high end. If you’re really sincere about buying it, I’ll sell it to you for this much,” he said anxiously and opened up his palm to show Alexander the figure five. Confused, Elise asked, “5 million?” Jordan chuckled. “It’s 50 million.” Stunned, Elise thought, He’s asking for 50 million for a regular stone? That’s way too much!

What if it turns out to be a useless stone after cutting? We will make a huge loss, then! “Mr. Griffith, you really plan to buy it?” Instead of answering her, he turned to her and asked, “What do you think, Miss Sare?” This question placed her in a tight spot, but she believed that Alexander must have his own ideas.

Hence, she answered, “Mr. Griffith, any decision you make is fine.” An attractive grin spread across Alexander’s face at her reply, and he said to Jordan, “I’m buying this stone.” Delighted, Jordan said, “Mr. Griffith, you really have a keen eye. This is really a good piece of stone, and you won’t make a loss with it for sure!” Taking out a black card from his pocket, Alexander said, “I’ll pay by card.” Hurriedly, Jordan sent his employee to make the card payment and immediately asked, “Mr. Griffith, would you like to have your stone cut right now?” “Yes. Get your best craftsman here to do it.”

was sold for 50 million created a huge uproar in an instant, and everyone was curious as to who bought a stone for that price. After asking around and finding out that


themselves. “Mr. Griffith, how would you like

fidgeting with the hem of her shirt on both sides. While the machine was working, she didn’t even dare


jadeite…” Hearing that, Elise couldn’t help but feel happy. However, the green surface was only as wide as a finger, and it made everyone a little

is cut through yet. Maybe there’ll be more green later.” “The surface of this stone looks good. I think it has more green than this, so there’s probably still hope.” As the onlookers speculated amongst themselves, Elise felt that her heart had already leaped to her

other hand, Alexander appeared calm and composed the entire time without any emotions on his face. “Mr. Griffith, you’re just way too calm,” Elise pointed out, feeling a

she relaxed quite a lot and wasn’t as nervous as before. Still, her eyes were glued to the stone. As the craftsman cut deeper and deeper, the cut soon reached one third of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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