Chapter 131,Coolest Girl in Town

Julius, who hadn’t gotten a reply from Elise for a long time, continued, “Whatever it is, I’m glad I got to witness the day you re-enter the music scene. I also listened to your song with Jack Griffith. The style of the song is marvelous, and your talent is as good as before without the slightest hint of wavering. If you are willing to return to this circle one day in the future, I will definitely stand behind you and support you till the end.”


Elise smiled happily after hearing what Julius said. “Thank you!” “Remember, you’re not alone—there are countless people behind you who support you, and they have been waiting for you. No matter how long, they will always wait for you. Okay?” Elise hummed in reply and hung up the phone. Even she herself was not sure when she would completely reconcile with her past self, but she hoped that that day wouldn’t be too far away. …… Jack’s new song was really popular—crazily popular.

No matter where one was, one could hear the familiar melody ringing in their ears: On the subway, in the park, on the bus, and even on campus radio… The popularity of this song was unprecedented, and it went viral. Even Alexander played it on loop dozens of times at once before he finally said, “It really is H’s style—she’s really back.” Cameron also knew that Alexander liked H’s music. He previously kept H’s albums in the drawer of the office, so he naturally understood Alexander’s excitement.

“I bet we will be able to hear a lot of H’s new songs in the future.” Alexander hummed a reply, seemingly in a good mood. “I hope so too.” After he finished speaking, he looked at the time—it was almost 5.00PM. He remembered that Jack was supposed to pick Elise up today, so he simply took the car key and went out. “I have to go somewhere later. Cancel all my meetings in the evening.” Cameron quickly replied with an ‘Okay’ and watched Alexander walk into the elevator.

After classes ended in the afternoon, Elise walked to the gate as usual, but after searching for a long time, she could not find Jack’s car, so she called Jack. “Jack, when are you coming to pick me up?” “I’m busy with my schedule and will be a few minutes late. Can you wait for me at the gate for a bit?”

Jonah’s forced request, he wouldn’t want to pick up Elise at all. Now, he had no choice—even if his schedule was packed, he still had to pick her up on time. Elise pursed her lips and said, “Got it.” With that, she hung up the phone before waiting for Jack’s reply. After all, she was not in a hurry, so she walked over to the gate and sat alone on the stool. After a while, a


“I guess it will take a while more.” Alexander said directly, “Then get in the car. I’ll take you home.” Elise hurriedly opened the car door and got into the car. At this moment, Jack also

of them seemed to have gone crazy as they rushed up to him immediately. “Jack Griffith! It’s really you, Jack! Oh, my God! I’m in the presence of Jack Griffith!” “Ahhh! Jack, can you sign my…” When he noticed that he had been recognized by


fans did not manage to follow, he was finally relieved. “Thank God you were here, Alex. If we ended up being surrounded by those fans, I don’t know when you’d be able to escape.” Alexander looked at him. “You’ve become quite popular lately, huh?” Jack

refuse and simply replied, “Sure.” Jack looked happy from hearing Alexander’s answer. “Really? Thank you so much.” Immediately, Jack looked at Elise again. “Elise, you have to forgive me. I’m really busy, so I’ll have Alex pick you up for me, and we’ll discuss other arrangements later when I’m done with all this work on my

heard H wrote it for you.” Jack knew that Alexander liked H’s songs, and he

asked her to do me this favor.” Jack was telling the truth, but Elise still silently lowered her head and said nothing. Alexander nodded in understanding and continued to drive. Jack hurriedly leaned forward. “Alex, if you really like H, I can ask my friend to help you play cupid and let you two meet—I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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