Chapter 134,Coolest Girl in Town

Studying Elise up close, Alexander found that she had applied a thick layer of foundation on her face. He never noticed before that she had on such heavy makeup. Nonetheless, he simply said, “I’m fastening your seat belt.” Feeling embarrassed, Elise quickly uttered, “T-There no need for that. I can do it myself.” After saying that, Elise hurriedly fastened her seat belt. Upon seeing this, Alexander moved away from her, then immediately started the car and drove off.


“My brothers and I are having a party tonight. Do you want to go have a drink with us?” Elise knew that the brothers he meant were all the Griffith brothers except for Matthew, so she refused without even thinking. “I’m not going. Just send me home.” Alexander slightly raised his eyebrows and asked, “What’s wrong? You don’t want to hang out with us?”

Elise shook her head. “It’s not that. You’re thinking too much.” “Then let’s go have a drink together.” Alexander seemed to be hinting that he wouldn’t accept her refusal. Elise figured that she had nothing to do at night anyway, so she agreed. Brendan was the one who organized the party, and it was mainly for the brothers to get together and relax. Usually, on such occasions, they wouldn’t bring any female companions and would all go on their own.

Hence, today, when the door of the private room was pushed open before Alexander and Elise appeared together, the other three Griffith brothers suddenly stopped what they were doing and stared at Elise in disbelief. Jack was the first to speak. “Why are you here?” Danny was quite protective of Elise, so he trotted forward and asked, “Boss, you—” Before he finished speaking, Alexander said, “I brought her here.”

As soon as he said this, the Griffith brothers exchanged looks, but all of them remained silent. Elise felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, so she quickly said, “What do you guys want to drink? I’ll go get them for you.” Danny took the initiative to make a request. “I want a glass of whisky.” Elise acknowledged him, then looked at Jack and Brendan. “What about you guys?” Smiling, Brendan replied, “Whiskey.”

finally asked, “Alexander, what would you like to drink?” Alexander’s lips twitched slightly as he replied, “Orange juice.” When his brothers heard this, their eyes widened. When did Alexander start drinking orange juice? However, none of them dared to question him, so they watched as Elise helped him order a


lips curled into a smile as he turned to Alexander before saying slowly, “We’ll never know what Alexander is thinking, but one thing is certain—he’s letting

like she’d be bored at home all alone, so I brought her here.


The strangeness in the atmosphere earlier was completely gone. Danny smiled and immediately moved forward. “Thank you, Boss. Since everyone is here today, let’s have fun together.” Brendan welcomed Elise as well. “We’re all family, so there’s no need to be so formal. Elise, do you know how to play cards?” Elise nodded.

but she was still quite proficient, so after playing only one round, she had already won a lot. “Boss, why are you so good

the point of playing?” Danny was close to tears. He found that Alexander was eager to excel in everything, and it seemed that he and Elise were a strong team that

shook their heads. “After so many years, when have we ever won a card game against Alexander?” Brendan sounded a little distressed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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