Chapter 139,Coolest Girl in Town

Alexander gazed back at Robin and said earnestly, “We wouldn’t be discussing this if I weren’t. I wish to take care of her. For as long as I can.” Every single word that came out of his mouth clearly traveled into Robin’s ears. Robin then grinned. “So you’re into our Ellie, huh?” Before Alexander could reply, he added, “You best think this through. Although our Ellie doesn’t possess the most repellant face, she’s not exactly a beauty either.


All the provocations in the outside world, are you sure Ellie is the woman you want?” Hearing that, Alexander started to wonder. Elise’s appearance never stood out in the crowd, and her face wasn’t what he was attracted to in the first place. Nevertheless, for some reason, he was captivated by her. He couldn’t even trace back to when it was that he started paying attention to her. “Rest assured, Mr. Robin, I responsibly promise you that I like Elise for what she is and not for her appearance nor her family background.

I genuinely adore her for her being.” Robin was satisfied with his answer. Regardless, it pertained to his granddaughter’s future, so it was nothing to joke about. Thus, he did not make any promises. After all, their destiny belonged to them, so it should be up to them to fulfill it. “Understood. Now, it’s all up to you whether you can keep her. Either way, her grandmother and I will not influence her in her decision-making.” With that, Alexander acknowledged that Robin had expressed his position in the matter.

As for the result of their relationship, it still solely depended on him. “Thank you, Mr. Robin. I know what I should do now.” Robin then started to cackle. “Time shall tell!” …… It was late at night. Nothing but silence filled the Griffith Residence—except for the living room on the second floor. In the merry space, Robin and Jonah were gregarious exchanging insights. “Splendid indeed! Your kid Alex finally opened up with me.

your horses, buddy! We’re not supposed to rush these youngsters’ affairs. Sometimes,

Thereupon, she took a deep breath and collected her feelings before greeting, “Good morning!” In response, Alexander raised his head and looked at her. His brows obviously relaxed. “Morning.” Then, Elise went over and pulled her chair out before sitting down. Seeing all her favorite breakfast foods laid down in front of her, she took a


another time.” Despite hearing that, Elise showed no surprise, as if she had already gotten used to Robin and Laura’s tricks. She simply blurted an “oh”

replied. She casually walked in front of the line while Alexander closely followed beside her. And so, the two exited the house in a line. After sending Elise to school, Alexander wasn’t in any hurry to leave. He took out his phone and made a call. “Lily, are you done


off. Meanwhile, Elise had just walked into the school compound when her phone started vibrating. She pulled it out from her pocket and saw a blinking red dot, which made her eyes sink. The red dot was a secret signal between her and Jamie. Therefore, she hurriedly picked up

was too late when he realized it. “Hurry over, Boss! I’m on the 16th floor of Ferry Building.” Right after Jamie divulged the address, without any hesitation, Elise stormed out

hold them off, just for 15 minutes more!” Drops of sweat were wetting the foreheads of the team’s technicians, fighting hard to defend their territory. On the other hand, Elise started triangulating the location of the attackers while en route to Ferry Building with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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