Chapter 147,Coolest Girl in Town

Jack took off his face mask, revealing his face, of which even women were envious. When Mikayla saw that, she thought her eyes were deceiving her. “Why are you here, hubby?” she blurted out before immediately covering her mouth. Then, she apologized with an apologetic smile, “Sorry, I’m used to calling you that…” As soon as she finished her sentence, she wished she could bite her tongue off. What do you mean, “I’m used to calling you that,” Mikayla?


Wouldn’t that make it obvious that I’ve been fantasizing about him for a long time? she thought. “What brings you here, Jack?” she asked curiously. Jack stepped toward her, asking, “Are you feeling better?” Is my husband caring about me? Mikayla felt like she was going to die of happiness. Even though she was still on an intravenous drip at this moment, she felt this was the happiest moment of her life. “I’m fine. It’s just some scratches and bruises,” she answered.

Only then did she realize something peculiar. How did Jack know that I got wounded? And why does he care so much about me? We’ve only met each other at school before. Well, I did play a role in the filming of his music video. Has he always remembered me since then? Jack was finally relieved when he saw that Mikayla was all right. “It’s good that you’re alright. Sorry, I got distracted while driving and knocked you over. If you need compensation, just tell my assistant the specific amount.” Mikayla was dumbfounded. So I was actually knocked over by Jack? What a stroke of luck this is! she thought.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about it, Jack. I believe that you didn’t do it on purpose. As for compensation, I have no need for that,” she replied magnanimously, with no intention of blaming Jack at all. Jack was somewhat at a loss when he heard Mikayla say so. It was the first time he ran into such a thing. The lady seemed to be a fan of his, and she even idolized him. “You don’t have to hold back. It was my fault for knocking you over, so feel free to tell me whatever you want.” Mikayla couldn’t help laughing when she saw Jack behaving like this. “I’m fine, really. Besides, I’m not someone who would throw themselves in front of your car to blackmail you for money, so you don’t have to worry about it.

his WhatsApp QR code with her. Mikayla scanned his code right away without a moment’s delay. Just

at Mikayla, asking, “Did you tell her?” He was referring to the incident where he had knocked her over. Mikayla immediately shook her head. “No, I didn’t. I only learned just now that it was you who knocked me over, so I couldn’t have told her about it. She must have something else to talk to you about.” “Mm-hm,” Jack


out of the ward, he picked up the phone and asked, “Anything?” Upon hearing Jack’s voice on the other end, Elise cut to the chase. “Where are you now?” Jack’s eyes darkened as he glanced at the ward—the door of which was tightly shut—behind him. He answered, “I’m at the hospital.” Elise was surprised. “Are you ill?” Jack denied, “No, I’m here to visit a friend.” When Elise heard him say so, she didn’t question

talk about, just tell me on the phone. I have work to do tonight, so I’m afraid I already have my hands full.” His reply shattered the only hope left in Elise’s heart. “Forget about it, then. I’ll find a way on my own,” she said before hanging up. Jamie hurriedly asked, “How is it, Boss? Did he agree?” Elise shook her head. “I’m


floor reflected Elise’s slender figure. Since it wasn’t the first time she came to the Griffith Group, those in the company knew her to a certain degree. When they saw her, they respectfully greeted her, “Miss Sinclair.” “What can I do for you, Miss Sinclair?” asked an assistant. Elise pondered for

hurried downstairs to pick Elise up when he learned of her arrival. “Miss Elise, you should’ve told us beforehand that you would be coming.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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