Chapter 155,Coolest Girl in Town

Immediately, everyone’s attention was attracted by the source of the voice. At this moment, Mikayla walked forward from the crowd before she came to a stop next to Jack. As their eyes met, he wanted to stop her, but she simply gave him a look of assurance. She then told the reporters, “Mr. Griffith and I are not in the kind of relationship that you are talking about. The truth is, he is a good person. He accidentally hit me, so he sent me to the hospital and visited me often. The pictures that you people took were taken when he came to visit me at the hospital.


As for the so-called intimate interactions, please take a closer look. You’ll see that it’s because of the angle.” “Are you saying that this is a big misunderstanding? You didn’t go to the hospital to get an abortion?” one of the reporters continued to ask. At this point, Mikayla found the situation funny. She then pulled out her hospitalization papers and showed it to the reporters. “Are these sufficient to prove it? You reporters are always trying to make something out of nothing. Do you know how big of an impact you’re causing on the people accused?”

At once, everyone fell silent. She pursed her lips before she added, “What I said earlier is the truth. As for the rumors spreading online, they’re all made up. Please stop spreading false news. Thank you.” “Mr. Griffith, is that true? Why didn’t you explain earlier? Not even your company said a word about this issue. Can you explain why that is the case?” Hearing that, Jack offered them a light smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Let’s be frank, the truth isn’t that important to you guys. All you seek is the topic and views. Truth or not, it doesn’t matter at all. Initially, I intended to protect this young girl, so I didn’t bother to engage with the media.

Now that she has stood up and cleared the air herself, I hope that the rumors will hereby die down. Aside from that, I hope that you will not disturb her daily life in the future. If there’s any issue, you can come straight to me. That is all.” After saying that, he moved his gaze to her, and their eyes met. Her eyes crinkled in a smile as she waved toward him. Then, he turned on his heels to leave. However, her legs suddenly felt weak, and at the next moment, she fainted and fell to the ground. “Mikayla…” That was the last thing she could hear as she slowly fell into darkness.

blacking out. Immediately, she rushed forward, but Jack beat her to it. He then picked Mikayla up and brought her to the infirmary. Seeing this scene unfold before them, the reporters started snapping pictures without thinking twice. Elise halted her footsteps when she

on Mikayla. “There’s nothing severe. She was just too anxious. She’ll be fine after a good rest” Hearing that, Jack heaved a sigh of relief. He then proceeded to ask, “When will she wake up then?” Taking a glance at her, the doctor answered, “The


after the doctor left that Elise spoke up. “This incident isn’t as simple as it seems…” Hearing that, Jack looked up at her. At that moment, he seemed to have recalled something as a cold look flashed in his eyes. “Don’t worry. I know how to handle this issue.” After getting his reassurance, Elise didn’t want

Corrine waiting outside the door for him. “Jack, Charlene didn’t do it on purpose. Please forgive her.” As soon as she saw him, she started to beg for his forgiveness. He scoffed before asking, “Where is she?” “Jack, this is something she accidentally did without thinking much. You’ve worked with her for many years. Please don’t mind her.” “I’ll ask again. Where is she?” Feeling a chill run down her spine, Corrine stuttered. “S-She’s not here.” He didn’t seem bothered after hearing that. He then said in a


eyes darkened at this moment. So Charlene was the one who caused all the commotion. Looking at Mikayla, who was lying

to have recovered and was now back to her cheerful self. “My dearest Elise, thank you for everything. Now please tell me, how is he?” Giving a pat on her head, Elise said, “Don’t worry, he’s fine. What about you? How are you feeling?” Hearing that he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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