Chapter 163,Coolest Girl in Town

Upon noticing the current situation, the manager was just as troubled. As the fire had been too sudden, they were forced to request for empty rooms from the neighboring hotels, so the number of rooms available were limited. Not that only Elise and Alexander, a single man and woman, were the ones left, it was difficult to make sleeping arrangements for them. “Miss, please don’t be anxious. We will think of another way out for you two…” Elise hummed in agreement and waited for further arrangements whereas Alexander’s eyes darkened as he maintained his silence.


The manager approached them with an apologetic look after making a few calls. “Sir, madam, I’m very sorry. We really don’t have any other rooms.” At this moment, Alexander decisively answered, “Give the room to her instead! I’ll think of another alternative.” Upon hearing his approval, the manager quickly passed the last room card to Elise. “Madam, why don’t you head to the room first?” Elise accepted the room card from him.

If she hadn’t known Alexander, she would’ve taken the key card and left the scene. However, she had known him for a long time and he even helped her out before. Hence, she couldn’t bring herself to leave just like that. After she thought about it, she asked, “Mr. Griffith, since other rooms are unavailable, would you like to stay in the same room as me for the time being?” However, Alexander rejected her almost subconsciously. “It’s fine.

I will find another hotel to stay at.” When she heard his answer, Elise was slightly disappointed for the weirdest reason. She was actually looking forward to sharing the same room as Alexander and once she realized her thoughts, she abruptly knocked on her head. What the hell were you thinking, Elise? On the other hand, Alexander was shocked by her sudden movement. “What are you doing, Miss Sinclair?” She quickly explained, “Nothing. Mr. Griffith, it’s just that it’s highly unlikely that other hotels will still have vacant rooms at this hour. Are you sure you want to leave?”

He slightly narrowed his eyes. “Miss Sinclair, is this an invitation?” Elise had the urge to bite her tongue off and immediately denied his question. “Mr. Alexander, you have misunderstood me. I just feel sorry that you have nowhere else to go; it’s pitiful. It’s only 2:00AM, so how are you going to spend the rest of the night?” The manager, who was standing beside them, finally realized that these two were acquainted with each other. Apart from that, she was extending a warm invitation to Alexander, which was an obvious indication of her interest in the man.

I really think you should put up with it for one night.” Elise was shocked that he would say something like this, but she could only turn her attention to Alexander to see his reaction. Alexander raised his


word throughout the entire journey; it was only until they arrived at their new hotel room that he suddenly returned to his senses, but he had no way out

that she was tightly wrapped in the sheets with only her head being revealed. “Let’s go to bed soon.” It was as though she was trying to say aloud that she wouldn’t do anything


However, even after she had done so, it wasn’t enough to make her fall asleep. “Mr. Griffith?” She tried to gently call him, to which a soft reply came. Although Alexander’s voice was soft, she knew that

You will fall asleep in no time,” he whispered before he immediately closed his eyes. However, Alexander had no clue why he had suddenly remembered a scene from the party at the Lawson Family where he slept on the same bed as Elise. The familiar scene was forever etched in his mind, causing him to suddenly open his eyes a second later. Then, he looked like he was searching for an excuse when he uttered, “I’m heading

took out his phone. While staring at a familiar number, he actually had the urge to call Elise at this very moment. It is already so late, though. She is probably asleep. He tightly clenched his phone and paused before he returned to the room. “Mr.

her feel jealous. He said ‘no’. It means that he has slept with other women. Maybe he even had intimate behaviors with them. As soon as Elise thought about this, she felt that even her breath became uneven. “Is it with your girlfriend?” As

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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