Chapter 165,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise’s ranking quickly increased to the top three of her group. As it stood at the current moment, Alexander was ahead of her. Since this was the preliminary stage where groups competed, she only needed to be in the top three to qualify for the final round. Thus, she maintained her steady speed and had no thoughts of racing toward the finishing line. As she drove, she listened to the hum of the car engine where everything seemed normal and the fear in her heart was finally lifted. As the car crossed the finishing line, cheers erupted around her once again.

In the end, she came in first for the group stage and he followed behind her at a close second. Her gaze slightly darkened as she sat inside the car. Then, she alighted from the vehicle and upon noticing the on-site car mechanics, she waved her hand at them. “Please help me take a look to see whether the car is malfunctioning.” Although she wasn’t speaking loudly, the surrounding employees had heard her and began to look at her one by one. The lead mechanic quickly responded and started to inspect Elise’s car. “Is something wrong with your car, Sue?”

“There can’t be anything wrong with it, can there? You came in first! You’re going to enter the final round. What are you going to do if something has happened to the car?” The crowd chattered, but Elise only pursed her lips silently and waited for the lead mechanic’s confirmation after he was done with the inspection. “There’s nothing wrong with this car.” It was such a simple sentence, yet it was enough to cause her heart to sink. If the car wasn’t in trouble, did that mean the other party hadn’t made their move yet? If so, the final event… “I see.

Thank you,” she replied before closing the car door. After that, Alexander made his way over to her while simpering, “Your keys, Sue.” Now that he was facing Sue, he no longer had his usual attitude and instead gave off the appearance of a humble fan. His kind of uncharacteristic behavior had immensely surprised her. Nonetheless, Elise didn’t reach out to accept the car keys; she only coughed lightly as she intentionally altered her voice before saying, “I still intend to use your car for the final round. Is that okay?” While Alexander had no idea why Sue fancied his car so much, he was only all too willing to concede to her request.

hearing his invitation, Elise frowned. She never thought that he’d chase


name. As he was caught up with that thought, she went farther away. He couldn’t help letting out a small smile while watching her silhouette disappear into the distance. It was after many years that he finally had the chance not only to meet her but

minutes.” Julius understood what she meant. “Alright. I’ll wait for you here then.” Once Elise arrived at the bar, she headed into the room upstairs, whereupon he immediately snubbed out the cigarette in his hand. “Your


The only thing I’m curious about is why you would want to switch cars on the spot when you went through so much trouble to get a vehicle from me.” Without explaining anything, she merely answered, “It looked good, so I wanted to give it a try.” Of course he didn’t think she was telling the truth

but it doesn’t perform as well as yours does.” With a grunt, Elise gently answered, “I don’t rely on performance to win my races.” What she relied on was her skill. Nothing else mattered. As Julius appreciated her confidence, he acquiesced and began

she arrived. Then, she accepted the bottle with a word of thanks before sipping it. There were only seven competitors for the final round, all of whom

go.” He grunted in acknowledgment and closely followed her. There was thunderous applause from the audience the moment those two appeared. Everyone was so focused on her that he became nothing more than an accessory, yet he felt extraordinarily honored. “Good luck, Sue!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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