Chapter 167,Coolest Girl in Town

After hanging up the phone, Arthur hurried to gather everyone in the office. An hour later, the foyer was fully crammed with staff members, most of whom craned their necks to look outside the door. As the car slowly arrived at the familiar place, Elise felt her heart growing conflicted. Once the vehicle stopped at the entrance, a security guard immediately stepped forward to open the car door for her. “We’re here. Go down and have a look,” Julius gently said and she did as told.


The moment she stepped down from the car, Arthur sprinted forward and exclaimed tremulously, “You’re finally here, Boss.” Behind him were her company employees, who began to greet her warm-heartedly one by one. “Welcome back, President Sinclair!” As she watched her employees welcoming her, Elise suddenly remembered how easily and carefree it was to pass the burden to Arthur all those years ago. Yet, even now that she was back, she had no intention of taking over this burden. “Thank you, everyone. You may return to your work now,” she told her employees, upon which they hurriedly dispersed.

Meanwhile, he was still updating her with excitement on the changes that the company had undergone during these past few years. He didn’t even stop talking during their elevator ride to the top floor. It wasn’t until she sat down behind the president’s desk that an emotional Arthur questioned, “Are you back now to give me a long vacation, Boss? You may not know this, but I’ve even postponed my wedding a few times throughout the years for this company.” When Elise saw his pitiful look, she couldn’t help saying, “Alright, I’ll give you a month-long vacation.”

“Only a month?!” His expression instantly fell. “Quit while you’re ahead. Don’t forget that I’ll have to look for your replacement during your month-long vacation,” Julius reminded. Although Arthur was still a little unhappy, he meekly accepted what was given since a month was better than nothing. “Of course, Boss. I’ll do as you say.” Nonetheless, he couldn’t refrain from asking, “When are you coming back to manage the company? I can’t handle things by myself here.” The problem was that Elise hadn’t actually considered that question; she was only here because the loss of a cash prize from the racing competition meant that she needed to take money from her company.

information. “I’ll have the Finance Department do it in a bit,” he informed. “It’s best that you return, Boss. The company needs you.” She gently shook her head. “You have to keep going. I believe in you; you can do it.” However, he would

couldn’t placate him, Elise could only agree to his request. “Alright. We’ll talk about it after a year then.” Her words significantly made him relaxed, but he still lamented his misfortune. Nonetheless, with no recourse in sight, he could only roll up his sleeves


want to slink away as there were so many documents that it would take her an eon to finish reading them. “I trust whatever you’ve seen, so I don’t think I need to inspect it again.” After Elise said that, she stood up. “I’m here today just to take a look. The company has been growing under your leadership while business has been booming, which makes me feel at ease to leave the company in your hands.” With that, she glanced at Julius, who immediately understood her intention. Then, he offered Arthur a polite

never be able to do so and decided not to give it a shot after all. As she stood at the entranceway and took in the familiar surroundings after exiting the company, she inhaled deeply. When she founded the company


phone rang at that moment, which shattered her thoughts. “I found the information you need, Boss,” Jamie announced at the other end of the line. As he continued to speak, her gaze darkened. “I see,” she told him. “I’ll be back as soon as

Upon seeing her, he alighted from his car and called out, “Boss!” After grunting, she instructed, “Get into the car before we talk about anything else.” They entered the vehicle one by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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