Chapter 175,Coolest Girl in Town

Jack was confused at first but after staring at Mikayla, he finally understood what was happening. Elise is trying to match both of us together, right? She really doesn’t know what she is doing. Mikayla and I are just friends. “Elise, you guys are finally here,” Mikayla said before turning toward Jack. “You’re here as well.” However, he only gave her a simple reply without saying anything while putting on an indifferent expression. His reaction immediately left Mikayla confused because this wasn’t how he would usually react when they were alone together.


Then, the four of them boarded the plane and arrived at Switzerland a dozen or so hours later. At the moment, it was nighttime in Switzerland, so they quickly rushed to the hotel. Elise and Mikayla were staying in one room, while Alexander and Jack stayed together in another. Due to tiredness, the two girls immediately fell asleep the moment they lay down on their beds. Meanwhile, Alexander and Jack seemed to still have some energy left so after arriving at the hotel, they took a bath before going downstairs to have a drink.

Jack was still surprised that Alexander would suddenly bring Elise along on a skiing trip, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Alexander, do you really like Elise?” Listening to his words, Alexander remained emotionless, making it difficult for others to read his mind. Instead, he took a huge gulp of his wine glass to conceal his true emotions. However, Jack read his actions as him being distressed, so he patted his shoulder and said, “Alexander, I understand that you are doing all this because of Grandpa’s last wish.

Actually, you don’t need to force yourself. Grandpa has passed away and I believe that he wants all of us to live a happy life. If he knows how reluctant you are to be together with Elise, he definitely won’t force you to do so.” With a faint smile, Alexander murmured, “I didn’t get engaged with her because of Grandpa.” Jack thought he had heard him wrongly at first, but Alexander’s words afterward immediately caused his eyes to widen.

like I’m joking?” Jack quickly nodded his head. He was still in shock after Alexander personally admitted to him that he liked Elise, which was why the former immediately thought that Alexander was joking with him. “Are you sure? She looks so…” As an admirer

Alexander himself couldn’t answer his question, as he believed that there shouldn’t be a reason for a person to fall in love. If something like love can be explained rationally, does that even count as true love? “I don’t know. Maybe it’s temporary or maybe I really like her. However, before I figure out my true feelings for her, I hope that you can keep this a


to him, Jack was frightened as he kept on refuting, “Alexander, there’s really nothing going on between the two of us. I only see her as my friend.” “Even so, everyone starts out as friends.” Upon hearing that, Jack was rendered speechless. He felt

confusion inside his heart seemed to be fading away, he realized that some things just required him to find the answer himself. … The next day, Elise woke up during the afternoon due to the jet lag she


a look at the note on the table and found out that Mikayla had gone out for lunch. After cleaning herself up and changing her clothes, she decided to leave the room. However, the moment she opened the door, the door on the opposite side also opened at the same time, and it was as if she had had a telepathic conversation with Alexander in the other room. As the two of them stared at each other, he took the initiative to invite her for lunch.

her favorite steak and foie gras. Listening to her fluent French, Alexander couldn’t help but praise, “Your French is quite good. You even have their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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