Chapter 177,Coolest Girl in Town

Jack thought that the idea was incredibly childish. “You go ahead. I think I will pass.” Well, if you say so. It’s impossible to do it alone, though… Mikayla could only proceed with the snowball fight, but just as she was frustrated, she was approached by a few foreigners. “Hey lovely, are you alone?” Immediately, she looked at them warily and planned to leave, but she was stopped by one of the girls. “Join us! It’s more fun than playing alone.” When she met their friendly gazes, she changed her mind and agreed to join them because she would be bored, anyway.


Meanwhile, Elise and Alexander skied their way through the peak. Elise stood at the apex and gazed down at the magical and breathtaking winter scenery. “How I wish I could stay here for a few more days!” Elise sighed from the bottom of her heart. Seeing that she was in a good mood, Alexander quickly added, “If you like, we could stay a few more days here.” She beamed at him, but right then, she felt a slight tremor from the ground underneath her, and her expression changed to one of shock. “Why is the ground moving?” He felt it as well, but before he could utter a word, he saw the snow on the mountains opposite them sliding down. “Oh crap! It’s an avalanche!”

A shiver went down her spine, and her mind was filled with the scene of the aftermath. She could feel the snow underneath her feet loosening as she lost her balance and started plunging forward. Frantically, he reached out to grab her. Around them, the mountains were shifting, and the ground was shaking. The terrifying movement of nature was intertwined with shrill screams from panicked skiers. He hugged her tight in his arms to protect her, and they both rolled down the slope from the peak. A long time later, she finally regained her consciousness and moved her stiff arms.

Then, she found out that the lower half of her body was buried in snow. She recalled what happened before her blackout, and she was caught by fear. “Alexander! Alexander!” She called out to him over and over again, but there was no answer except for her empty echoes in the mountains. That moment was filled with intense fear. She got up from the ground and staggered forward. However, after the avalanche, the environment went through a drastic change, with no human being seen around. She plowed forward aimlessly while yelling, “Anyone there?!”

team noticed her. “Hey, look! There’s a lady over there!” Without wasting a single second, she reached out for help. “Help me! I have a friend with me, but he’s probably

teams and making their way up the snowy mountains for the search. Her heart leaped up to her throat as she wallowed in regret. Why did I even say yes to


of those people did not show vital signs. Even after a few days, they did not find Alexander, Mikayla, or Jack. With all the anxiety building up, Elise was significantly weaker, and despite being advised to leave the scene by the concerned rescuers, she insisted on waiting. She waited until Danny’s call came in.

to lead the company now.” Her heart sank after she heard the news. Jonah’s reminder once again popped up in her mind, so she tried her best to stay strong. “How’s the situation in the office right now? Tell me all the details.” Promptly, Danny explained, “A few shareholders are starting to make a fuss. They even plan to call for a new shareholders’ meeting to elect a new company president.” “Those rebels!” “Boss, is there no news of Alexander till now? I’m afraid that—” Elise


Alexander must be alive somewhere. Perhaps he’s still waiting for

about to ask something else, she already hung up on him. Staring at the swaths of white, she felt that she could

in there. Can you help me?” The rescuers sighed helplessly at her obstinance. “We’re sorry, ma’am. We have been searching the mountain for a few days. If there had been a sign of life, our tools would have picked that up. Plus, the 72-hour golden period has passed. There’s a high

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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