Chapter 180,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise had already formed a guess from the look on Cynthia’s face. She gripped her sleeve tightly and mumbled, “So, you have news about Mikayla?” Cynthia gazed at her and nodded. Without warning, Elise’s legs gave away, and she stumbled. Neither were her tears controllable, as she could clearly feel tears gliding down her cheeks. “That’s… That’s impossible! Nothing’s going to happen to her! How could she have…” Cynthia tried her best to calm her down. “We are not a hundred percent sure right now. It’s just that… the rescue team has found a body with descriptions that resemble her.”


The shocking news shattered Elise’s world, and she refused to accept the reality. Jack showed up out of the blue and grabbed Cynthia’s arm, descending into madness as he barked at her, “Is that true? Where is she now? Tell me! Where is she?” Jack’s reckless reaction put a frown on Cynthia’s forehead. She knew the guy, but she had not expected him to act in such a rash manner. Based on his anxious reaction, she had a vague idea of his relationship with Mikayla. Therefore, she decided to forgive his rudeness and shared all the details with him.

“The body is placed at the rescue station. No one has come forward to claim it.” She barely finished speaking when Jack dashed out of the hospital. Elise followed suit with tears brimming in her eyes. When Mikayla’s parents got the news, they almost fainted from crying. Finally, the group rushed to the temporary mortuary at the rescue station. Elise was shaking from head to toe when she laid eyes on the white cloth that was draped over the body.

“Mikayla…” Elise couldn’t help but mumble her friend’s name, and tears kept falling down her face. Meanwhile, Mikayla’s parents were out of breath from crying, and the atmosphere sank to the lowest point. In an attempt to keep Elise calm, Alexander stood firmrly and held her hand in silence.She stumbled forward and flipped the cloth open to reveal a body that was almost unidentifiable. However, because the size of the victim was similar to Mikayla’s frame, she once again plunged into sadness.

like a lifeless walking corpse when he arrived, he suddenly perked up after seeing the body, and his eyes shone. “That’s not Mikayla!” Without a doubt, his curt declaration changed the

Elise’s gaze traveled over to the body and confirmed that there was no fishbone necklace, which rendered her speechless. “W-What is going on?” Again, Jack declared with confidence,


their composure. Staring at the body, they seemed to prefer Jack’s narrative, even if it was only for emotional relief. “That’s not Mikayla. It’s not her,” Mrs. Jameson muttered repeatedly, but her husband remained rational. “Since we can’t identify her, the best way forward

It was not Mikayla. It’s definitely not her…” Mrs. Jameson burst into tears agitatedly.


her! They found her!” Jack’s joyful screams cut through the pensive atmosphere. Elise was the first to get a grip of herself and hurried over to him. “Did they find Mikayla?” Jack nodded in happiness. “The embassy sent me the news. They said that Mikayla had contacted them.

She vocalized her question, and silence descended. That was indeed a mystery, for it did

with him. Mikayla’s parents were overjoyed to learn that their daughter had taken the flight home. They proceeded to book the closest flight available and went home with Elise and the others. After a ten-hour-long flight, the plane landed at Athesea’s airport. The group exited the arrivals and immediately rushed to Mikayla’s home. However, they were shocked to find the house empty—Mikayla did not come home. Looking disappointed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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