Chapter 183,Coolest Girl in Town

As they talked, Elise helped Laura into her room. Robin, on the other hand, said that he wanted to get some tea, so he went downstairs. The door had just closed when Laura said to Elise in a serious tone, “Ellie, we already know about you and Alex.” For a moment, Elise was stunned, but soon she curved her lips into a smile. “Then are you here to attend our engagement party?” Laura took Elise’s hand. “Ellie, be honest with me. Do you really want this?

Your grandpa and I do think that Alex is a fine guy, but your thoughts are also important to me. If you don’t like him that much, you don’t have to force yourself.” Elise knew that her grandparents were the nicest people in the world to her. “Don’t worry, Grandma. I agreed to the engagement exactly because I like him. As for the wedding, I’m still too young to be legally married, so we’ll wait another 2 years to make a decision.” Hearing Elise’s words, Laura could finally let go of the burdens in her heart. “As long as you’re happy with it, I’ll give you all my support.

Still, time goes by too fast, doesn’t it? Just in the blink of an eye, my dear Ellie is already getting married…” Laura caressed Elise’s hair, her voice taking on a melancholic tone. Elise leaned against her. “Grandma, I’ll be fine…” “Yes, I believe you will.” The two chatted for a bit, then Elise got Laura to her own room. Then, as soon as Elise turned around, she realized that Alexander was standing just behind her. “You… You’re back?” Alexander looked at her, then asked, “Have they settled down?” Elise nodded. “It’s been a tiring journey for them. They’re already asleep.” “Good. Just tell Stella if they have any needs. The new year is coming soon, so it’s nice to have more people around. The more, the merrier, yes?”

you.” Warmth spread throughout Elise’s chest. “Thank you!” Those were just two simple words, but Alexander could feel something weird

Alexander’s reply. She closed the door behind her as soon as she entered her room. Her heart was still beating rapidly as she recalled the scene just seconds ago. Alexander was trying to kiss me! Elise put a hand to her chest


off to sleep, and she only woke up near midday. “Boss, quick, get up!” Danny was rapping on the door. Elise turned around, annoyed. “Go away. Give me five more minutes.” However, Danny could barely contain

Elise wasn’t awake before, she was now. Danny’s words had jolted her awake. “What? Almost noon?” Danny nodded in confirmation. Elise turned around and closed the door, keeping the boy outside. Danny could only swallow the words he was about to say. “Boss, get ready


Laura and Robin reading newspapers in the living room. She immediately rushed up to them and grabbed Laura’s arm. “Good morning, Grandma!” Laura put the newspapers away. “It’s not morning anymore, darling. It’s almost noon.” Elise grinned, albeit a little embarrassed. “Sorry, I overslept.” “Go get something to eat. Breakfasts are important, right?” Elise quickly straightened up. “Got it, Grandma. I’m going

his antics, Elise could already guess that he did well. “How did you fare?” Danny was beaming as he showed her three fingers. “I got third place in class!” Elise smiled in return. “Not bad. It’s a great improvement.” Without wasting a moment, Danny went up to her. “Then you’ll keep your promise tonight, right? You’ll play games with me?” Elise nodded. “Sure. Tonight it is, then.” Danny was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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