Chapter 195,Coolest Girl in Town

“What are you staring at? Come on in,” Danny said before he reached out to press the confirm button for his guest. When Jack entered the lobby and saw Ellimane’s ID on the first row of their team’s list of players, he finally believed that Elise was indeed the legendary Ellimane. After he gulped, he spoke, “I’ve already sent you a new set of skin to your account. Please remember to accept them.” Danny giggled. “That was quick! I’ll have to thank you for that then!” Then, Jack turned toward Elise again. “Let me buy you a full set of skin since you’re helping me to level up.”


Before Elise could even say anything, Danny quickly stepped in on her behalf. “Are you seriously negotiating with her? My Boss has never even trained me in any of our games, so how can I let you take advantage of this?” “Fine, I’ll help you guys to level up just for tonight,” came her reply. Upon hearing her reply, both men immediately became eager. At this moment, even Alexander raised his eyebrows before he leaned over and whispered, “Are you planning to play till midnight with them?” Elise explained, “Since it’s really rare and difficult for us to gather together, I guess we will be doing so.” Then, he quickly reached out for his phone. “Why don’t you coach me as well?”

His request rendered her speechless. Nevertheless, she went along with it when she noticed that Alexander meant business. “Sure, let me send you an invite.” And so, Elise ended up mentoring all three of them for the entire night, which resulted in them levelling up by 12 levels. Even though it was already midnight, Danny’s dedication to the game was evident as he was exuberant and showed no signs of fatigue. As it was really nice to be mentored in the game, Jack was completely focused as well. He used to be the worst player in the game and finally experienced how it was like to be a winner that night.

As they continued playing, the sky started to brighten up until traces of the previous dark night were completely gone. While Elise stretched, she suggested, “Why don’t we head to bed? I’m so worn out after pulling an all-nighter on the game.” Alexander kept his phone away as well. “It’s rest time then! Let’s play again when we’re free.” However, Danny didn’t look exhausted as he quickly replied, “Boss, Alex, in that case, you guys should rest.

upstairs with Alexander after bidding the young men goodnight. When she arrived at the corridor and wanted to head to her room, he suddenly pulled her into his embrace. “Aren’t you coming with me?”

she still wasn’t mentally ready to accept the fact. At the same time, when Alexander saw her frightened look, he felt bad and ruffled her hair as he only initially wanted to tease her. “That’s alright. I was just kidding. I won’t force you if you don’t want


I’ll continue to do so until you finally decide to open up to me.” She immediately lowered her head before she quickly nodded. “Quickly return to your room and rest then!” Alexander said before leaning toward her to give her a peck, after which she waved at him and returned to her room. After spending the entire night awake, Elise was extremely exhausted and fell asleep the moment she got in bed. Meanwhile, Molly had brought the gown that Elise designed to the atelier. As she placed the bag that was used to carry

of her daze. She immediately replied, “Mr. Griffith, I came to drop off the gown that Miss Sinclair has designed.” He glanced at the gown. “You can return to your work after leaving


arrived in front of the gown, he started to smoothen the wrinkles on the attire. Suddenly, he noticed something before his face turned pale. Then, he grabbed the gown and stared intently at its needlework. This kind of needlework was extremely familiar to him as it

for many years. All of the wedding gowns that she had designed did not have a set market price currently; rumor had it that one of her gowns was even sold at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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