Chapter 201,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise looked at Alexander standing in front of her; she found that he was someone familiar yet a stranger. Fortunately, she had worn her mask, so he wasn’t able to identify her. “What are you waiting for? Get on!” Alexander repeated. Meanwhile, Elise hesitated for a moment before getting on the motorbike. Then, he accelerated, and the bike roared off into the distance. They sped off in the darkness as she tried her best to support her injured arm.


She clenched her teeth hard to stop herself from losing consciousness. He finally stopped the bike when they arrived at a safe location. “We’re safe. You can go now.” She lowered her eyes and extricated herself from him. “I appreciate this. Thanks for your help. If you need a helping hand in the future, you can find me at Dragonweiss anytime.” Meanwhile, Alexander carefully scrutinized Elise. He had mainly intended to pop over and enjoy the show, but unexpectedly saw the mighty and valiant boss of Dragonweiss with his own eyes. Truthfully speaking, he was in awe of her courage when she fired the shot earlier.

This woman here disguised in a fox mask isn’t one to mess with. “I’m quite honored to have seen the appearance of the boss of Dragonweiss. That’s worth my trip. As for the rest of it, I’m not one to ask for much.” Alexander glanced at her arm as soon as he finished his sentence. “You’re hurt! You should return home to have that wound attended to as soon as possible. I hope that we’ll be able to be friends with each other the next time we meet.” With that, he pressed the throttle and roared off without a backward glance.

As she tried to comprehend the meaning behind his words, Elise frowned slightly. In the end, the pain shooting from her arm shook her to the present and she didn’t bother to spare another thought to what he said. At that moment itself, she scanned her surroundings and flagged a cab to head to Dragonweiss’ private hospital. As it was a wound sustained from a gunshot, she didn’t dare to alert anyone else. After experiencing the procedure of having the embedded bullet removed at the said private hospital, she ended up collapsing from the pain.

By the time she had regained consciousness, it was already the morning of the following day. Elise gradually got up from the bed and noticed that her arm had already been dressed and bandaged up. As she rummaged around and found her phone, it was only at that moment when she noticed there were in fact more than ten missed calls. At this moment, she came to her senses and immediately returned Alexander’s call. “Where are you?”

me for anything? Why are you bombarding me with phone calls so early in the morning?” He had intended to ask her why she had stayed out the whole night last night, but he suddenly pondered, Am I being too controlling? She might feel oppressed by this. He quickly changed his tune and replied, “No, it’s nothing much. I noticed that you weren’t home and was worried about your safety. I can tell

can head to school by myself.” After Elise hung up the phone, she sighed deeply. In fact, she intensely disliked the feeling of telling a fib, but how on earth was she supposed to reveal her identity to Alexander, though? Furthermore, how am I supposed to explain the gunshot wound on my arm? She felt that it was one of the toughest questions of this century to resolve. I guess I’ll just take it one step at a time. The moment

of the school entrance and as soon as he saw her arriving safely, he was finally at ease. Soon after that, he started his car ignition and slowly drove off. Jacinda had noticed Alexander and she was just about to head over to greet him, but he didn’t even bother to look at her and immediately drove off. She was slightly annoyed by

she rudely spoke in front of Elise. “Jacinda, who are you talking about? Who has offended you this time?” Some of her classmates walked up to her in curiosity and asked with concern. Jacinda tossed her head haughtily without giving out any names, but she spoke obscurely, “Who else could it be?

Jacinda was talking about. Nonetheless, their eyes inadvertently turned to Elise. After all, if everyone was to be rated based on their looks, she would be the one ranked last in their class. At that point, she frowned as she sensed the looks of judgment from the crowd. However, as Jacinda didn’t spill any names, Elise couldn’t quite stand up for herself out of nowhere and

me you’re talking about Erudite Elise?!” In response, Jacinda merely revealed a smile. “That was just a random thing that I said. As for the person whom I was talking about, I’m sure she’s well aware of it.” “That’s enough, Jacinda. There’s no need to overthink the situation. Let’s focus on our final exam.” “Yeah, that’s right. I still have a worksheet from yesterday

a slacker, she seemed to be at odds with the rest of them. After an agonizingly long day, it was finally the last class for the morning period. At that point, Elise could distinctly feel the pain radiating

that it was rather inconvenient to do it with one hand, so she was quite sloppy with

substituted with Mathematics.” “What?! That can’t be true! Ugh, what a buzzkill!” “Sigh! Let’s persevere and withstand this! We only have three more months to push ourselves! We can do this!” In saying that, most of the students grouped together and rose up to leave and change into appropriate attires at the changing rooms. “Boss, stop working on your worksheet. It’s our final P.E.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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