Chapter 203,Coolest Girl in Town

When it felt like she was responding to his kisses, it caused happiness to bloom in his heart. All he wanted at that moment was to hug her, kiss her and never let her go. After what felt like an eternity whereby Elise felt that she had almost suffocated, Alexander finally released her from his embrace.


Both of them were out of breath as they stared deep into each other’s eyes and saw their own reflections. “You—” “You—” They had said both words in unison before looking at each other with a smile. Alexander then reached out to caress her head and added, “Take good care of your injury.

Let me know if you need anything. Please remember that you are mine forever. Since we have chosen each other and are now engaged, I hope that we can share both the good and bad times together as well as becoming each other’s most trusted person.” Elise peered into his eyes before the lines between her brows slowly eased. Then, she firmly nodded. “You should rest early then. I shall make my move.” Then, he released her from his embrace and exited the room. After Alexander left, Elise subconsciously pinched herself. It hurt, which meant that everything that had happened earlier was genuine.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror again and found that she was blushing; it was a reaction whenever a girl was in love. Deep down in her heart, she knew that she had fallen for him. She had fallen head over heels in love with the man. The next day, Elise glanced at the rising sun outside the window and her mood was much better today. However, when she arrived at school, she noticed that there was a few hostile gazes from her peers. Feeling puzzled, she looked at herself and found that there was nothing unusual.

overly sensitive, but unexpectedly, as she continued to head toward her classroom, she noticed that the gazes became more intense. There were even some people who whispered among themselves while they looked at her. “Danny, do you know what they are talking about?” Elise couldn’t help but ask as soon as

here at school?” She casually replied, “I’m actually alright. Rather than staying at home and doing nothing, I would rather come to school and learn something, so at least I won’t waste my time.” “Boss, you are such a sensible person. I have to learn from you.” “Have you heard about it? Elise is pregnant!” “Oh, God! Are you serious? Whose child is it?” “Haven’t you seen the diamond

school rules, a student like this will be expelled.” The few girls continued to gossip softly among themselves, but a second later, a loud thud rang in the air. It was Danny who suddenly kicked the door open. “What nonsense are you guys saying?” The crowd dispersed the moment they

nonsense. They are saying all this because they are jealous.” Elise found it ridiculous as well. She had merely passed out, but people had spread rumors of her pregnancy. This is bizarre. However, her concern was not on the incident itself, but rather to look through the superficial

is. “I’m fine.” These two simple words didn’t reveal her true emotions. Yet, Danny was worried. “Boss, I’ll warn them not to spread nonsense. Rest assured, I won’t allow the rumors to continue spreading.” However, she interrupted, “There’s no need to do so. The truth will speak for itself and time will prove everything.” With that, Elise turned on her heels to enter the classroom. She surveyed

it was enough to cause an uproar in the class. “Didn’t I tell you that she must be pregnant? Didn’t you see how she retched earlier? It’s said that a woman will suffer morning sickness during the early stages of her pregnancy.”

chin to cryptically suggest, “There’s always people who pretend to be nice, but they are in fact rotten to their bones. Elise is not even 18, right? Now that she has done something like this, I reckon the school won’t continue to

to the school rules, she certainly will be expelled. Her gaze darkened as she arrived at a decision. Elise had no idea what the students had in mind. However, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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