Chapter 208 Are You Even Worth It?,Coolest Girl in Town

“What are you talking about? Who’s an idiot? I’ve never expected you to do anything in the first place. Apart from that, our engagement is simply because I like you and I want to be with you. There are no other reasons apart from this.” Elise smiled, obviously not believing what he was saying. “Stop lying to yourself, Mr. Griffith. It’s meaningless if we speak about things too explicitly. Both of us should calm down for a moment and think about it. If you want to call off the engagement, just let me know in advance. As for other issues, there’s nothing for us to talk about.”


With that, Elise shoved him and walked away from him, leaving a clueless Alexander who could do nothing about the situation. With a loud thud, she closed the door and wrapped her hands around her legs, only to find tears streaming down her face immediately after that. Over the past two days, she kept telling herself that what she saw might not be true. However, she simply could not forget the image of Ashlyn holding onto Alexander’s arm. Elise knew that she had fallen deeper in this relationship, and she was also aware that her words just now were just out of anger.

However, she could not face it peacefully. Let’s both calm down. Perhaps we can find a solution after that. On the other hand, Alexander felt morose. After pondering about it for a long time, he could not understand what had happened between both of them, as their relationship was going rather well before this. “Ahem!” A soft cough rang from around the corner. Then, Danny appeared and quickly explained, “Alexander, I overheard the conversation unintentionally. It really was just a coincidence.” Alexander’s eyes darkened when he heard that. “I have something to ask you,” he said, to which Danny quickly replied, “What is it, Alexander?

if there’s some problems on her mind that haven’t been resolved. Nothing like this has ever occurred in

and want to call off the engagement?” After all, Elise had made herself very clear just now. However, Alexander announced without any hesitation, “It’s impossible. I would never do that in my entire life.” But that day… Alexander seemed to have remembered something and his expression instantly darkened. “I believe I know what happened.” Danny still wanted to ask him further questions, but Alexander did

went to school early in the morning. As

had not sought her out to apologize to her, which was why Jacinda assumed that what her cousin said had taken effect—Elise was too busy trying to solve her own problems. Thud! The cup in Jacinda’s hands slid from her fingers,

at the watermarks on her exercise books. Just as she was about to wipe the water off, Jacinda already took the initiative and quickly wiped the books with tissue papers. “I’ve already dried it up for you. I hope you won’t hold it against me.” Looking at the mess Jacinda made on her books, Elise finally raised her head and looked at her. Though it was just a glance, it was a rather menacing one. However, Jacinda merely shrugged nonchalantly. “I already apologized. What else do you want me to do?” With that,

as water slid down from her head. “Elise Sinclair!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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