After slamming the door shut, Elise crouched down, wrapped her arms around her knees, and broke into sobs. She didn’t know why she was so upset. Even though she had never experienced love from her parents, she was especially content with Robin and Laura’s doting affection for her. Not only that, but she felt blessed to grow up in such a family. To think that I’d suddenly be told one day that all of this is false, and that I’m only an adopted child who is no different from those kids in the orphanage… It broke her heart even more to think of this. After a long time, there was a knock on the door.


“What’s wrong with you, Elise?” Elise froze when she heard Laura’s concerned voice from behind. She hastily wiped the tears off her face, took a deep breath, and replied, “I’m fine, Grandma.” However, the sobs in Elise’s voice were so noticeable that there was no way Laura didn’t notice them. She pushed the door open and quickly switched on the light, asking, “What’s wrong, Elise? Why are you crying?” Looking at her amiable grandmother before her, Elise took a big step forward and reached out to hold Laura in her arms.

“Grandma…” Baffled, Laura quickly patted Elise on the back, thinking that the latter had just had a nightmare. “There, now. It’s alright. You had a nightmare, huh?” Elise merely held Laura tightly in her arms without saying a word. “It’s alright. It’s just a dream, so don’t be afraid. Your grandpa and I are here.” Elise could no longer stop her tears from running down her face. “Grandma, will you and Grandpa always be with me?”

Upon hearing such a childish question from Elise, Laura instantly replied with a laugh, “Oh, of course we will! However old our Elise is, you’ll always be a kid to us. We’ll always be with you, so don’t worry, okay? Just get a good sleep, and everything will be fine tomorrow.” Elise let go of Laura and wiped the tears off her face. “Really? Is everything gonna be fine tomorrow?” Laura reassured her, saying, “Yes, of course. Now, Elise, let’s go to sleep. I’ll have your favorite pancakes prepared tomorrow with a sausage added, okay?” Elise chuckled at Laura’s words.

with you tonight?” “You still wanna sleep with me? You’re no longer a kid, you know?” “Grandma…” “Alright, alright. I’ll sleep with you.” Elise took Laura’s arm and went to bed with her, but she had a lot on her mind and was sleepless all night. Over the next few days, Elise spent time with Robin and Laura

later, she received a phone call from Alexander. “Have you found your mom and dad? Are they alright?” she asked. Alexander sounded a bit tired on the other end of the line. “Yeah, I’ve found them. It’s just that my dad injured

you still remember what I said to you before H’s fan meeting?” Alexander gave it a moment’s thought on the other end before he replied, “Yeah, I do.”

soon as she stepped into the Griffith Residence, she heard the sounds of games in the living room. Stella hurriedly came forward and took Elise’s suitcase from her, saying, “Welcome back, Miss Elise.” “Thanks,” Elise replied with a smile. Then, she asked, “Who’s playing games?” “It’s Young Master Danny…” Elise strode into the living

then did Elise remember that she was no longer disguising herself with ugly makeup at present. Moreover, Danny didn’t know that her current appearance was what she really looked like. Therefore, she replied with a chuckle, “Who do you think I am?” Danny gaped at Elise; his mouth was so agape

The game displayed on its screen hadn’t ended yet, but he couldn’t be bothered about it anymore. Immediately, he strode up to Elise and eyed her up and down. Then, he screwed up his face, saying, “Boss, stop fooling me, okay?” “I’m not fooling you. This is really what I look like,”

flung his arms around Elise. “Sniff… I was wrong, Boss! I’ll take back what I said to you before. You’re not an ugly country bumpkin. You’re an angel descended from heaven…” Elise was utterly speechless. For a moment, she was at a loss for a reply. “Alright, I’ll forgive you.” Only then did Danny let go of her with a cackle. “That’s great! By

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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