“I-I’m good. You should get some rest. I’m also about to head back to sleep.” Having said that, Elise waved him goodbye before returning to her home. Once she shut her door, all that was on her face was nothing but joy. For some reason, she no longer felt the fear she once had. And she could finally feel safe solely because he lived right next to her.


The next morning, Elise’s doorbell rang. Hastily, she hurried to the door with her cartoon graphic tee on, only to be surprised by Alexander at the door. “Why are you here this early?” He lifted the bag of food in his hand. “I got you breakfast.” “Come in.” Alexander casually entered her home and closed the door.

Elise was still feeling drowsy moments ago, but she was wide awake now. “I’ll come eat after I wash up.” Thereupon, she ran into the bathroom. Done with her wash up, she came out of the bathroom, only to be warmed by the sight of the scrumptious delicacies arranged on the dining table. Accordingly, she approached the table, pulled a chair out, and took a seat. “Egg sandwich, shrimp gnocchi, churros, and almond milk—all of them are my favorites…”

Alexander handed her her cutleries. “Then you better eat up. I’ve helped you apply for leave, so you won’t have to go to work today. Rest up, okay?” “Thank you,” she blurted and proceeded to indulge in her feast. Peering at the man in front of her, she quizzed, “Have you eaten?”

“Nope,” he answered. Hearing that, she took a piece of gnocchi and put it before his lips, to which the man tacitly opened his mouth, welcoming the corn-mixed shrimp gnocchi to his palate. While he was slowly chewing the food, he was savoring every single moment he was currently in. “You eat up too.” She then fed him a piece of egg sandwich, which the man accepted without resistance. He would eat anything she gave him.

the task to him. Swiftly, the man tidied up

if it was nothing out of

tea table before rushing to offer help to his superior. “Allow me the physical task, President.” Nonetheless, Alexander rejected his offer. “No, I’m fine. Just put the files down. You may leave if there’s nothing else.” Cameron quickly nodded. “As

took a glimpse at Elise, to which the latter realized that what he was about to say could possibly pertain to her,

Maeve. I’ve also dug up some dirt on her as you ordered. The thing is, many sources among those I looked for were reluctant to share any bad news about her, as if they

she questioned. “Well…” Although Cameron was somewhat perturbed, he eventually revealed the name. Hearing the name, Elise visibly frowned, while Alexander was

know I won’t blame you even if you don’t help me, right? She has a strong force behind her backing her up. And a duel between two strong figures will

let her off so easily.” Elise couldn’t help but feel moved by his words. Peering at the man in front of her, she subconsciously smiled. “Thank

make sure ‘gruesome’ only happens on one end.” Baffled, Alexander was about to question her implication, but she spared him no opportunity. “Now, while you work, I’ll go get some more rest. Might crave for some seafood stew for lunch.” With a pampering beam,

her screen. The images were, to say the least, explicit. Elise intuitively scoffed the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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