When Elise got back to the classroom, two-thirds of her classmates were gone. With that, she went back to her seat and sat down before fishing out some letter paper to draft her speech. After some time, her phone that was kept in her pocket rang. “Elise, come out and grab a bite. I’m waiting for you at the east entrance.” After she hung up the phone, she took a look at the speech draft that was almost done. She then packed her stuff and left the classroom.


When Elise arrived at the east entrance of the campus, she saw Mikayla, who was just a stone’s throw away, waving at her. “Elise, here I am.” She then walked over and pulled a chair to sit with her. “Why would you suddenly think of eating at this stall here?” “Their food is quite nice! That’s why I’m recommending this to you. So, you went to your new class today. How was it?” After a hum, Elise said, “It’s not bad! What about you?

The Music Faculty must be pretty good too.” Hearing that, Mikayla pursed her lips before replying, “It’s alright, but there are just too many people wearing weird outfits. It made me doubt whether they’re in the music faculty or fashion and arts. The boys were all wearing odd clothes––not to mention their long hair. There are just no good-looking ones.” Failing to stifle her laugh, Elise said, “Are you here to study or to gawk at good-looking boys?”

Mikayla sighed before replying, “Now that I’m in university, I can finally date someone. However, I can’t find anyone suitable in this class. That’s why now… I’ve given up on that thought. After all, I still favor good looks. I’m not attracted to those average Joes.” Just as she finished saying that, a boy with a tall and sturdy build approached her and said, “Hello there, can I get your social media handle?” Hearing that, she replied with a cold expression, “Sorry, I don’t use social media.”

The boy seemed to not have given up yet as he looked like he was about to say something, but a man’s voice cut him off. “You want my girlfriend’s number? You can get it from me instead.” Upon hearing that, the boy quickly apologized before running off. It was only then that Mikayla noticed who the man was. In a low tone, she said,

to be my boyfriend then?” “I’m fending off your admirers for you. You should be thanking me instead.” “I didn’t ask for that. You’re the one who did it voluntarily.” “But I still helped you! Otherwise, you’ll be disturbed by men of that sort.” “You’re overthinking it…”

his gaze toward Elise before saying, “Actually, I’m here for you this time, Elise.” At once, Elise raised her brow in surprise as she asked, “Me? What is it that you have to see me for?” After he found out that Elise was H, he wanted to thank

“Elise, if you were to make a comeback, my days won’t be so boring anymore. Having an idol to idolize, my days will definitely be

couldn’t be seen in the light of day, she just couldn’t take it anymore. “Why not?! You already have a stable fanbase and a

you suddenly think of this?” Hearing that, Jack replied, “I just don’t want a talented artist like you to be buried. Of course, I won’t be able to make the decision for you, but I just want to at

to stop pestering her. Although he was merely making a tentative suggestion, Elise completely ignored him, which left him hopeless. At that moment, he finally understood that she might have no intention of

official student.” “Thank you!” After the trio chatted, Elise bid them goodbye before leaving for the hostel alone. En route on a small path in the campus, she kept recalling his words. It made her think about the old times when she was free and easy to be in the industry with the identity of H. However, it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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