Everybody stared at Elise while Addison cheered, “Break a leg!” In response, Elise pursed her lips before replying, “I will.” As soon as Elise accepted the challenge, Janice already knew that she would win. With years of training experience, beating Elise was a piece of cake. Hence, Janice suggested, “What’s the point of just competing? Let’s place a bet to make it more exciting.” “What kind of bet?” Elise asked calmly. Looking at Elise, Janice finally said, “How about you take off your mask in front of everyone if you lose?” When Addison heard this, she was furious.


“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Ignoring Addison, Janice challenged Elise. “So? Are you up for it?” Then, the corner of Elise’s mouth tugged upward. “What if you lose?” Immediately, Janice answered, “Do you think I’d lose?” The idea of her losing never popped into her mind. “Tsk tsk… You should look at the situation you’re in before making big statements as such. Stop acting like you’re invincible. It’s annoying,” Addison criticized with disdain. With a cold snort, Janice stated, “I’ll do anything you want if I lose.” Quickly, Elise uttered, “I won’t ask for anything else. I just want you to apologize in front of everyone. Can you do that?” “Sure. So, what are we competing in?”

Janice replied indifferently. Hearing this, Elise responded, “You choose! I don’t want you to think that I’m bullying you.” Janice was offended. “You really don’t know your place, do you? I’ve been through so much training since I was three, so every event is my strong suit. Do you think I’d worry if you’re bullying me? You can choose! I don’t want you refusing to accept defeat.” With that, Elise nodded her head and looked around before saying, “Let’s compete in three events. The first to win two games is the winner.” “Sure.” Then, Elise pointed to the side. “Shooting, rock climbing, and a 100-meter obstacle course. Are you okay with that?” “No problem.” After reaching a consensus, everyone sensed war between the two.

“Sure.” “Okay!” Elise and Janice replied at the same time. “Alright. Now, let’s move to the shooting range and prepare.” All the students cheered because they wouldn’t

shot. Soon after, the target inspector announced loudly, “9 points!” As for Elise, she aimed at the bullseye and

Holding the gun, she prepared to fire her third shot. Then, the inspector shouted excitedly, “10 points! 10 points for Janice!” As soon as he said so, Janice smiled smugly and glanced at Elise provokingly. “Fire your last shot well. Be careful not to miss because you’ll lose if you do.” Unfazed, Elise took her aim. A loud bang sounded before the inspector shouted, “10 points! 10 points as well!” Then, there was a loud roar of applause. “Well done, Elise!” Janice’s face turned grim as soon as she

play another round. However, she had lost all her confidence. After taking her aim, she fired and scored 9 points. Seeing this, she frowned, and her hands started to sweat. With standard movements, Elise aimed at the target and fired. The bullet shot through the bullseye. “10 points! Elise scored 10 points! Elise wins this game!” Instantaneously, Janice’s face turned dark. Shooting was her forte, yet she had lost to Elise. “You’re amazing, Elise!” Addison showered Elise with praises. Then, Addison shot Janice a provocative look. “Some people are just too ambitious. Now, everyone knows that Elise is much better.” Janice clenched her fists and hissed

first game, and there are two more. I’m not scared! ” Helplessly, Addison sighed. “You really don’t give up, do you? Never mind. Elise will give you a lesson,” she commented irritatingly. Janice was boiling with anger when she heard this. Yet, her arrogance was greatly extinguished after she lost the first event. Hence, she simply gritted her teeth and said nothing in response

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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